Only for you white folks,


Well-Known Member
What could Obama have possibly have done to make race relations worse than what Trump is doing on a tweetly basis?

Read my OP- from 2008 to 2016 race relations in the USA DECLINED, in my opinion. Has Trump done all he can to improve them- no, but neither did the last guy.


Staff member
Read my OP- from 2008 to 2016 race relations in the USA DECLINED, in my opinion. Has Trump done all he can to improve them- no, but neither did the last guy.
Race relations may have declined but I don't see how you say Obama was guilty of actively persuing that decline.

I also can't see how Trump is not actively persuing that decline.


Well-Known Member
shocker. can you believe our president called :censored2: hole countries :censored2: hole countries? This is insane!
I'd be willing to bet Obama called Israel a lot worse, but no one crapped him out. Seriously, what did he think of the citizens that didn't support his policies? That was the people, not the living conditions. Trump was right, these places are :censored2:holes, but it's because of the leadership and government, not the people that live subjugated lives.