Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
There is no argument.Oh? It costs too much? After they just pushed out $6 trillion in two weeks?
Good luck with your argument.
There is no argument.Oh? It costs too much? After they just pushed out $6 trillion in two weeks?
Good luck with your argument.
possible ifthis ends quickly.if this lasts several more months I think people willstart waking up a bit."... the people whose profits depend on us returning to normal as soon as possible will soon gaslight us into believing all this never happened. Feeling devastated, depressed, and heartbroken? They’ve got a product to sell you to fix it. Marketers will spend billions to coax you back into that packed subway. Back onto the pollution-filled freeway. Back into the cube farm. Back into that hazardous workplace. Back into the crowded parking lot of the big-box store. Back into a pattern of consumption in which you are too busy surviving to imagine anything different, anything better. Too busy to question."
Julio Vincent
Loaning businesses money.Oh? It costs too much? After they just pushed out $6 trillion in two weeks?
Good luck with your argument.
Loaning businesses money.
Youssa ignant.
Stop pushing communist propaganda you sack of"China should have been more forthcoming. They should have invited the CDC to help them. They shouldn’t have clamped down on social media. They should have confirmed human-to-human transmission a few days earlier than they did.
At the same time, this panicked behavior lasted only a couple of weeks or so, and it’s unclear if it actually slowed down the response in the rest of the world. Compare that to President Trump, who downplayed the significance of the pandemic for nearly two full months, all of it well after Wuhan had started taking lockdown steps and everyone knew the potential danger of the virus. His recklessness makes China look like the Albert Schweitzer of pandemic response."
K. Drum
Well if it's true that everyone knew the potential danger of the virus then why were numerous politicians on every level encouraging people to attend mass gatherings, use public transit? Why were they calling Trump xenophobic and racist for banning Chinese tourists from flying into the U.S.? By your own admission they all knew how serious this was."China should have been more forthcoming. They should have invited the CDC to help them. They shouldn’t have clamped down on social media. They should have confirmed human-to-human transmission a few days earlier than they did.
At the same time, this panicked behavior lasted only a couple of weeks or so, and it’s unclear if it actually slowed down the response in the rest of the world. Compare that to President Trump, who downplayed the significance of the pandemic for nearly two full months, all of it well after Wuhan had started taking lockdown steps and everyone knew the potential danger of the virus. His recklessness makes China look like the Albert Schweitzer of pandemic response."
K. Drum
Why are you guys so fixated on the calling Trump racist? He’s been called racist for 5 years because he keeps saying racist things. Get over it.Well if it's true that everyone knew the potential danger of the virus then why were numerous politicians on every level encouraging people to attend mass gatherings, use public transit? Why were they calling Trump xenophobic and racist for banning Chinese tourists from flying into the U.S.? By your own admission they all knew how serious this was.
Why are you guys so fixated on calling Trump racist? You've called him racist for 5 years because you can't criticize him legitimately. Get over it.Why are you guys so fixated on the calling Trump racist? He’s been called racist for 5 years because he keeps saying racist things. Get over it.
Loaning businesses money.
Youssa ignant.
Some of the small business administration ones do. Most do not.The loans become grants if the businesses meet certain retention and other requirements.
The biggest difference is the government forced most of these businesses to shutdown.Another difference is the govt taking an ownership stake in some of the larger corporations.
There was no demand back in 2008 2009, the demand is still here right now just the supply chain is brokenThe biggest difference is the government forced most of these businesses to shutdown.
Obama's administration bailed out companies who made bad financial decisions. Businesses being bailed out now, for the most part, are experiencing hardship out of their control.