A lot of factors would have to go in to that decision. What is your current financial position and how do you expect it to change by the time you get your 30 years? Is your house paid for? Do you have a lot of credit card debt? How well is your 401k or other retirement investments funded? Are there any major expenditures in your immediate or not-too-distant future? The final, and perhaps most important, question is do you think that the additional monthly sums in your pension would be worth the extra 5-10 (or more) years you would have to work?
The last thing that any of us should want is for our finances to dictate whether we can retire when eligible or not.
My plan is to retire in May 2019 at the age of 58. I will have zero personal debt and my house will be paid for. I am projecting a 401k balance of $200K which I plan to roll over in to my Roth IRA upon retirement. I will not draw SS early. I live a fairly modest lifestyle and my pension and the equity from the sale of my condo should be more than sufficient to meet my needs. To me the extra $100-500/month in my pension would not be worth the extra 5-10 years.
A lot can change in 5 1/2 years but, as of now, this is my plan.
Retirement is not just about being financially ready----you must be emotionally retire to move on to the next phase in your life. This has been the crux of the argument concerning Tom Camp, the UPS driver from Detroit who just completed his 51st year of safe driving. Those who know him say he is happy and more than financially set. It sounds to me as though he may not be emotionally ready to retire, which to me is a shame. He is 73 years old----at that age I hope to be so busy with my children and grandchildren that work will be the last thing on my mind.
Wally, your pension office should be able to provide you with your pension projections at the 30, 35 and 40 year marks. Use this information, along with the questions I posed above, to make your decision. IMO the extra money per month is not worth it, especially with the direction in which this company is headed.