Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Well-Known Member
Hey Baba,

I'm gonna make your day as I have the official Barrack Obama birth certificate for you so you can move on with your life. Here you go dude!

Could you also forward this to Alan Keyes so he too can move on out of our.......I mean move on with his life too!

If you want some laughs, go and google "Obama birth certificate" under images and then scroll through for some laughs.

Here's another funny.


They never could find Clinton's "happy ending" stains on the Oval Office rug (damn you David Oreck) and this dog won't hunt either. Even if you had proof positive, the republican leadership itself would fight you as the greater harm to the state apparatus would be more than would be gained for them so it'll never go anywhere to begin with. But the good news, from an anarchial POV, it does serve some limited purpose of disruption to State worship so glass half full!



Strength through joy
Alas wkmac you fail to see the big picture.
This is more about knocking down that legal wall that O has built around his past life than just seeing his BC.
Honestly just how many people do you know that have hidden away every piece of paper detailing their life ?
And why hasn't the main media been doing any stories about his childhood and upbringing ? Its like a total news black-out . Except for the stories that quote only his book as their main source.


Well-Known Member
Alas wkmac you fail to see the big picture.
This is more about knocking down that legal wall that O has built around his past life than just seeing his BC.
Honestly just how many people do you know that have hidden away every piece of paper detailing their life ?
And why hasn't the main media been doing any stories about his childhood and upbringing ? Its like a total news black-out . Except for the stories that quote only his book as their main source.

And I appreciate that part of what this is all trying to do but regarding the big picture, IMO here it is. All politicians have secrets to hide and they all build walls to hide them. I'd even bet good money Ron Paul has his secrets too. But more important, it's the statist system itself that defends these walls in the first place because if the people learned the truth behind the mythology of our leaders, we might not be so fast in putting all our faith in the sytem and thus would withdraw a lot of the power back to local control that we've given Washington. In that area I applaud your efforts but consider this on the flipside. George Bush had his dirty secrets and everything was done to protect them. Clinton, same thing.

As for who hides everything about themselves? Care to post your true name, address and phone number here for all to see? Yeah, didn't think so and for the record me neither and it's obvious why but the fact is we are hiding something in effect.

It's the State machine that protects itself by protecting those who are a part of it. And consider this, here is a State machine at will which tramples the Constitution and now you expect that same machine to use that same Constitution to outst a sitting President? I admire your principles deeply, I honestly do but it's not going to happen. Also, I think the folks using this issue do so not out of true intent like yourself but have other agendas including making money (notice the part in red) or advancing their own failed political careers ie Alan Keyes. In the form letter pushed by WND sent to SCOTUS justices they make the following statement:

There is grave, widespread and rapidly growing concern throughout the American public that this constitutional requirement is being overlooked and enforcement neglected by state and federal election authorities.

I'm sorry but I've not heard this issue being widespread and if the petition numbers are the indication of a rapid growth, then I have more faith in GM's now worthless stock hitting an alltime record high on the market. IMO, good people with sincere concerns for their country are being used for the political self interest or financial self interests of others and that's the way I see it.


Well-Known Member
Everybody needs a hobby.:happy-very:

:thumbup: So True!


I'm getting ready to post a new thread on the threat of progressives to civil liberties. The op-ed is long but I encourage you to read it because it concerns your right to engage in your hobby and the growing threat to it. I may not agree with how you spend your time but I believe you own yourself and therefore are free to do with your time as you see fit and I will stand with you to defend your right to do so!


Strength through joy
sadly only 384,145.
Here's an interesting thought about that NK missile :
Suppose it did make it to Hawaii, it would be kind of funny if it hit where the vital records were kept.:happy-very:


Strength through joy
It should be noted here that all Hawaii's genealogy searches are now "restricted ".
About 6 months ago Hawaii locked down their Index lists, which had been openly accessible to Registered Genealogists.
And I always thought that these were Public Records.

Now why did that happen ?


I still like to refer Kmac as Conrad Dobler (Miller lite instigater), but most people wouldn't get it...

I gave Wkmac a couple of "a-ree-ba...a-ree-ba's.....un-da-lay.....un-da-lay's a while back....What more do I have to sacrifice, My first born ?

Originally Posted by Hoaxster
Modsta ... I like that!

I'll be using that! Check out my User Title

Besides, Didn't I dub thy, the urban title, of Modsta ?

For the record, I appreciate you using that in your user title...:grill:

Back at ya Moreluck.....

Why I vote Republican........

1) Its not that I hate gays, I just don't think they should have equal rights.

2) I want government out of my life and into my daughter's womb.

3) I'm willing to give up freedom for security, so long as its not my own freedom, just the freedom of other American citizens.

4) I think that torture isn't torture so long as you define it to not be torture

5) I think that non-science should be taught in science classes

6) I can't think of any conceivable way that a corporation would intimidate employees into not forming a union

7) I can't think of any conceivable way that a corporation would cause over $1000 in damages to any one individual person.

8) I can't think of any conceivable way that a loan broker might try to convince someone to take a loan they can't afford.

9) I can't think of any conceivable way that man can alter the environment he lives in.

10) I think black on white racism is a severe problem while white on black racism is virtually non-existent

11) I blame my inability to advance my career with the fact that I am white and discriminated against

12) I believe everything Rush Limbaugh tells me

13) I think that the Founders only meant freedoms such as speech and assembly to have reasonable limitations, while the freedom to bear arms should be unlimited in any way shape or form.

14) I believe that small businessmen who charge a fee in exchange for a service are awesome people - all of them - except the plaintiff's lawyers.

15) I believe its better to start wars first and not ask questions later.

16) I think I'm really smart but in reality all I do is call people :censored2:bags all day long.

17) I think invading Iraq was ok because I feel like Hussein might one day attack use with WMD that I feel exist - is logical.

18) I think all poor people are poor because they are lazy

19) I think all rich people are rich because they are hard working and ambitious

20) I think rich people should be able to make their hard working and ambitious children rich upon death without any taxes whatsoever

21) I think that people without work don't have work simply because they haven't gone out and gotten it, the condition of the economy and the availability of work is irrelevant.

22) I think that the President should break any law he chooses, including capital crimes, in order to protect us from terrorists - but he shouldn't even commit a misdemeanor to protect us from breached levees.

add to this list

23) because as a religious christian fundamentalist who believes that the bible (my translation) is the literal word of god, I want the make the laws (as I perceive them and the ones I like) of this book into the laws of the land.
Of course, this might mean selective reading of the bible (i.e. reading every other page of the bible) in order to get the restrictive laws on the book, like stores being closed on sunday and mandatory church attendance, stoning of witches(those of other religions) etc. But,other laws on the other pages like tithing and leaving my fields fallow on every jubilee year and kindness towards strangers, the poor and oppressed will be selectively overlooked in my zealous pursuit of knocking down the walls between church and state and making the church(mine, which happens to be the correct one, unless I switch like I have 5 times in the last 10 years.) master over the state.

I am particularly against abortion and would like the government to outlaw it but I don't want the government involved with lead paint rules in public housing(for which funds should be cut) where many of these children being born ,as a result of abortion , would be forced to live . Although if I had my druthers, public housing and welfare would be eliminated so that there can be more room for walmarts(now the Waltons are great christians) In other words, I care about the child in the womb, but once he is born and I or my friends don't deem him worthy enough to be adopted then by me or others like me, then I would simply point him towards Jesus(with a few well placed bible tracts) as the one to look towards if he needs anything. Amen!


Strength through joy
Found this little story;

Moves to Disqualify Obama as President by Aurelia Masterson
Latest Smoking Gun – A group called Americans for Freedom of Information has released copies of Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College. This was pursuant to a suit brought by the group in California. The transcript shows that Obama (Barry Sotero) got a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Scholarship program. To get this a person must have a non-USA citizenship. This is the smoking gun according to many showing Obama is not qualified to the President of the USA by reason of birth.

When this exploded Obama was in London meeting with Brown, and refused comment. Britain Daily Mail Newspaper (a big one) carried this story on their front page. Of course if Obama lied in writing on official college financial documents this too is a grave matter unbecoming for a President. It also appears that Obama is not a natural born citizen and thus not eligible to be President. This should not make Biden the President but should result in a new election. Biden was elected on a ticket with Obama who was ineligible to serve thus negating the election. People voted for an ineligible candidate thus there was election fraud.


Found this little story;

Moves to Disqualify Obama as President by Aurelia Masterson
Latest Smoking Gun – A group called Americans for Freedom of Information has released copies of Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College. This was pursuant to a suit brought by the group in California. The transcript shows that Obama (Barry Sotero) got a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Scholarship program. To get this a person must have a non-USA citizenship. This is the smoking gun according to many showing Obama is not qualified to the President of the USA by reason of birth.

When this exploded Obama was in London meeting with Brown, and refused comment. Britain Daily Mail Newspaper (a big one) carried this story on their front page. Of course if Obama lied in writing on official college financial documents this too is a grave matter unbecoming for a President. It also appears that Obama is not a natural born citizen and thus not eligible to be President. This should not make Biden the President but should result in a new election. Biden was elected on a ticket with Obama who was ineligible to serve thus negating the election. People voted for an ineligible candidate thus there was election fraud.

Still waiting on the movement to impeach bush and cheney to bear fruit before I pay attention to this one.


To Endeavor To Persevere
Found this little story;

Moves to Disqualify Obama as President by Aurelia Masterson
Latest Smoking Gun – A group called Americans for Freedom of Information has released copies of Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College. This was pursuant to a suit brought by the group in California. The transcript shows that Obama (Barry Sotero) got a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Scholarship program. To get this a person must have a non-USA citizenship. This is the smoking gun according to many showing Obama is not qualified to the President of the USA by reason of birth.

When this exploded Obama was in London meeting with Brown, and refused comment. Britain Daily Mail Newspaper (a big one) carried this story on their front page. Of course if Obama lied in writing on official college financial documents this too is a grave matter unbecoming for a President. It also appears that Obama is not a natural born citizen and thus not eligible to be President. This should not make Biden the President but should result in a new election. Biden was elected on a ticket with Obama who was ineligible to serve thus negating the election. People voted for an ineligible candidate thus there was election fraud.[/QUOTE

If Obama is disqualified, Biden would be president.


Strength through joy
Here's a new twist....
another lawsuit has been filed that request records under FOIA ( freedom of information act ) for one Barry Soetoro.
This suit claims that Barry Soetoro and BHO are two different persons. Which raises an interesting point; BS is not a legal resident of the US, he is a foreign national that may be here illegally.
BHO has sworn that he never used BS as his name, but ....links one right to the WhiteHouse site.


Strength through joy
Where was I born?
According to a letter BHO sent to Honolulu's Kapi'olani Medical Center, BHO claims to have been born there. But the hospital will not confirm this without BHO's approval. Nor have they made an announcements to back his claim putting up a sign saying BHO was born here. Funny thing is neither has any other HI hospitals.

(tie , he's looking at Africa )


Well-Known Member
According to a letter BHO sent to Honolulu's Kapi'olani Medical Center, BHO claims to have been born there. But the hospital will not confirm this without BHO's approval. Nor have they made an announcements to back his claim putting up a sign saying BHO was born here. Funny thing is neither has any other HI hospitals.

(tie , he's looking at Africa )

Then again, he may be planning his globe trotting of Air Force One using your slave labor otherwise known as tax dollars to fun it all. Now I hate to give bad news and leave you in a down mood (he's lying big time!) so as you work to earn those slave dollars and feed the Monster you can follow along with Alvin and the Boys!


yeah you A hole, why did he need an intern when he had all of us to rape!



Well-Known Member
According to a letter BHO sent to Honolulu's Kapi'olani Medical Center, BHO claims to have been born there. But the hospital will not confirm this without BHO's approval. Nor have they made an announcements to back his claim putting up a sign saying BHO was born here. Funny thing is neither has any other HI hospitals.

(tie , he's looking at Africa )

So lets get this straight, according to a letter that BHO sent, that you never read or seen, and the hospital does not confirm......this means Obama was born in Africa.....:rofl::st_patrick:.....if I turn blue, call 911

...LOL....Wkmac, are you sure thats not Will Ferrell flipping the bird....:happy-very:

I need to give Obama some props, if Sarah Palin was president and dealing with these "Birthers", she'd have quit by now........


So lets get this straight, according to a letter that BHO sent, that you never read or seen, and the hospital does not confirm......this means Obama was born in Africa.....:rofl::st_patrick:.....if I turn blue, call 911

...LOL....Wkmac, are you sure thats not Will Ferrell flipping the bird....:happy-very:

I need to give Obama some props, if Sarah Palin was president and dealing with these "Birthers", she'd have quit by now........

too much thats fishy about this one. Baba brings up a good point You would think those hawaii hospitals would be killing thierselves to prove the potus was born in thier hospital.

You would think a man with the name of Obama would go the extra mile to prove his birth is 100 percent american.


Strength through joy
So lets get this straight, according to a letter that BHO sent, that you never read or seen, and the hospital does not confirm......

Oh, but I did see and read it.
It was sent last winter to the hospital. With a White House letterhead no less.