Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

Most elderly people did not need a SS number until they applied for Medicare which did not become law until 1966.
Thus there were a large number of persons applying for such numbers later in life when they entered retirement homes.
Point is that bho has never resided in Conn. where his number was issued.
What public records there are do show that he has used other SS numbers as well. Now why would he ?
That may be true, I sure won't dispute that. I do know that My GD's SS death record show that he received his SS# prior to 1950. You can learn a lot of things doing an ancestry search.


golden ticket member
Right away, Whoopie with the race card.....Joy Bahar is disgusting, can't stand her. I'm with Donald, just show the darn birth certificate !!! I have my original in a safe in my closet and I could produce it if I'm asked to.


Staff member
Right away, Whoopie with the race card.....Joy Bahar is disgusting, can't stand her. I'm with Donald, just show the darn birth certificate !!! I have my original in a safe in my closet and I could produce it if I'm asked to.

They had 'em back then???

<sorry, it was too easy!>

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Right away, Whoopie with the race card.....Joy Bahar is disgusting, can't stand her. I'm with Donald, just show the darn birth certificate !!! I have my original in a safe in my closet and I could produce it if I'm asked to.

Whoopie and the race card...typical Liberal response in keeping with the democratic mantra.



Strength through joy
Further records from the Student Clearing House show even more shocking evidence. In his memoirs and multiple speeches Obama wrote that he studied for two years at Columbia University September 1981-May 1983. He admitted that in summer of 1981 he traveled to Pakistan to visit his friends, but repeatedly claimed that from September 1981 until May of 1983 he resided in New York and studied at Columbia University. Taitz ran a check of his years of attendance at Columbia university and found out that Columbia official records show him attending Columbia university only for nine months September 1982-till May 1983 , which means that the President of the United States lied to the whole nation about his whereabouts for a whole year September 1981 until September 1982. One year absence is the best case scenario, as he could get his university credit by reciprocity or through extern studies.
As there is no record of Obama residing anywhere else in the United States from September 1981-September 1982, or attending any other university, by way of simple deduction it becomes clear that his visit to Pakistan lasted not a month or two, as he claims, but over a year.


Engorged Member
Further records from the Student Clearing House show even more shocking evidence. In his memoirs and multiple speeches Obama wrote that he studied for two years at Columbia University September 1981-May 1983. He admitted that in summer of 1981 he traveled to Pakistan to visit his friends, but repeatedly claimed that from September 1981 until May of 1983 he resided in New York and studied at Columbia University. Taitz ran a check of his years of attendance at Columbia university and found out that Columbia official records show him attending Columbia university only for nine months September 1982-till May 1983 , which means that the President of the United States lied to the whole nation about his whereabouts for a whole year September 1981 until September 1982. One year absence is the best case scenario, as he could get his university credit by reciprocity or through extern studies.
As there is no record of Obama residing anywhere else in the United States from September 1981-September 1982, or attending any other university, by way of simple deduction it becomes clear that his visit to Pakistan lasted not a month or two, as he claims, but over a year.

Proof positive he's a Muslim. I suggest you contact the FBI at once and have Obama arrested.


Engorged Member
No where in this article is religion an issue.
So how can you arrive at that conclusion ?

Orly Tait is a well-known "birther". I didn't even read the article as soon as I saw the link showing who wrote it. The insinuations that he is Muslim or supports Islam have been many from the birther community.


golden ticket member
These are all separate issues

* his birth certificate
* his religion
* his gay lover's recently attempted suicide(Larry Sinclair)
* his possible involvement in murder of a choir director with whom he had gay sex

All of these issues are totally separate !!!


Engorged Member
These are all separate issues

* his birth certificate
* his religion
* his gay lover's recently attempted suicide(Larry Sinclair)
* his possible involvement in murder of a choir director with whom he had gay sex

All of these issues are totally separate !!!

Thank God we might be able to replace this horrible President with a "real American" like Adam West in 2012. Kind of funny how the Republicans try to sneak-in a Black guy to show that they are "fair and balanced". Micheal Steele didn't work out so well, so now they need a new face to show that the GOP is "progressive".
I read today that Mr. West wants to abolish the IRS and all entitlement programs. This should go over extremely well with senior citizens. But I'll bet he has a birth certificate, and he's from the military. Hooray!!! Like I said, you Right Wingers are bricks, lead ones (like a bullet!) that nothing can penetrate. Every wacked-out idea that the Far Right proposes puts them farther behind in any attempt to unseat Obama. What a delicious irony. Palin/West or West/Palin in 2012!!


golden ticket member
".... replace this horrible President with a "real American" like Adam West in 2012..."

Batman is gonna be president !!!! Robin will be veep and the Batmobile will have to be bulletproofed !!


golden ticket member
Thank God we might be able to replace this horrible President with a "real American" like Adam West in 2012. Kind of funny how the Republicans try to sneak-in a Black guy to show that they are "fair and balanced". Micheal Steele didn't work out so well, so now they need a new face to show that the GOP is "progressive".
I read today that Mr. West wants to abolish the IRS and all entitlement programs. This should go over extremely well with senior citizens. But I'll bet he has a birth certificate, and he's from the military. Hooray!!! Like I said, you Right Wingers are bricks, lead ones (like a bullet!) that nothing can penetrate. Every wacked-out idea that the Far Right proposes puts them farther behind in any attempt to unseat Obama. What a delicious irony. Palin/West or West/Palin in 2012!!

Maybe you should check out John Huntsman Jr........he's in the Obama admin. but he might run on the GOP ticket 2012....we'll see.


Engorged Member
Maybe you should check out John Huntsman Jr........he's in the Obama admin. but he might run on the GOP ticket 2012....we'll see.

If West, Palin,Gingrich, and Huckabee are all you've got, you've got nothing. None of these folks would have a prayer of beating Obama. The great thing about the Tea Party is that it is fracturing an already divided GOP. We are all rooting for them here on the Left.


Engorged Member
I didn't realize that Palin, West and Huck had already announced they were running. Did I miss the news flash ?

Palin recently made the obligatory trip to Israel (to appeal to the Religious Right), and FOX has let Newt go because they think he's going to run. Huckabee has been in campaign mode for a long time now. It certainly appears that all of them are going to take a shot at it.