Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

But don't you think the public learned its lesson from believing all his words last time? It was all BS. If he tries all that "change" and "hope" garbage again it will only hurt him. He is a very lucky man in that the Republicans can't come up with a decent challenge for him.
Unfortunately I can't have much faith in the US voter to even remember all the lies and half-truths or the ability to understand what those lies are costing us in the long run. History pretty much proves we don't learn for our mistakes. I predict that the buzz words "Hope and Change" will be down played by 0 this time around, but don't think that the repubs won't bring them up in a few adds.


Staff member
But don't you think the public learned its lesson from believing all his words last time? It was all BS. If he tries all that "change" and "hope" garbage again it will only hurt him. He is a very lucky man in that the Republicans can't come up with a decent challenge for him.

No. The public has not learned. Alot of that political BS can easily be hung around the neck of the opposing party, rightly or wrongly. And when in the summer of 2012 we are looking at Ryan's budget, the debt ceiling debate, and the Republican insistance on cutting spending and taxes, people are going to start feeling it. And all Obama has to do is tie that line straight back to Palin, Walker, Gingrich, and Ayn Rand, and the public won't give a damn about Obama's travels, Libya, Obamacare (except in the positive) because there are plenty of economists who see the right-wings ideas as preposterous, David Stockman to name one. Campaigning is a sell job. If Republicans want to win, they probably need someone like a Mitch Daniels. But I like him to much to see him soil himself with alot of what the base would insist he say.


Well-Known Member
But don't you think the public learned its lesson from believing all his words last time? It was all BS. If he tries all that "change" and "hope" garbage again it will only hurt him. He is a very lucky man in that the Republicans can't come up with a decent challenge for him.

I will admit that I fell for his hopey/changey thing hook, line and sinker. I am sure I was not the only one. There is no denying that he is a great speaker, teleprompter or not. He has the ability to draw a crowd and have them hanging on his each and every word. His campaign stops were like rock concerts.

That was really all he needed to get elected as the country was desperate for change no matter its form. He will need much more than that to get re-elected, especially if the Republicans are able to offer strong opposition.

Donald Trump is not the answer. He talks a good game but enjoys the limelight too much and would better serve a Republican administration as a Cabinet member. Ditto for Sarah Palin (without the Cabinet member part). Mitt Romney has the people skills and ability to get people to work together toward a common goal and may be the most viable candidate at this point.

The Republicans would be best served if they are able to field a candidate who possesses the collective key qualities of the current frontrunners. Trumps' business sense, Palin's common sense and Romney's people sense are the first three off the top of my head.

Nov. 2012 is not that far away and unless the Republicans get their act together Obama need not worry about scheduling moving trucks.

P.S. Does it really take $1B to get re-elected?


Staff member
No. The public has not learned. Alot of that political BS can easily be hung around the neck of the opposing party, rightly or wrongly.....

Yup, BIOB. I think the country is tired of that line too.

It's time to make some tough decisions re the national debt, and Obama aint gonna do that. It's time to make huge cuts, and people are going to feel it. I hope the country has the resolve to back people like Ryan, it really is our last chance. Time is running out.


Für Meno :)
Well, the Republicans' budget calls for privatization of medicare, and mailing out vouchers (for those less fortunate ???) to pay for it.
See how well that goes over with the older population (40+ ages).

Might even scare posters like Moreluck or Danny, that they might need to pay for her own medicare or a part of it ?


Staff member
Yup, BIOB. I think the country is tired of that line too.

It's time to make some tough decisions re the national debt, and Obama aint gonna do that. It's time to make huge cuts, and people are going to feel it. I hope the country has the resolve to back people like Ryan, it really is our last chance. Time is running out.

Time is running out. But that doesn't mean it's Ryan's way or the highway. Soon enough the president is going to be able to point out very clearly that while the Jones across town are easily able to upgrade their 2009 Ford to a 2012 BMW you are stuck in a '94 buick. And even though the tax cuts saved you enough money to fill the tank through the month, the Jones have their car note, house not and money to burn. It's class warfare at it's finest and the president will hold the best ammunition.


Well-Known Member
Well, the Republicans' budget calls for privatization of medicare, and mailing out vouchers (for those less fortunate ???) to pay for it.
See how well that goes over with the older population (40+ ages).

Might even scare posters like Moreluck or Danny, that they might need to pay for her own medicare or a part of it ?

Actually the Republican version calls for block grants to each state to use in administering their own versions of Medicare. Qualifying for Medicare would no longer simply be a matter of turning 65 but would be income based.
Time is running out. But that doesn't mean it's Ryan's way or the highway. Soon enough the president is going to be able to point out very clearly that while the Jones across town are easily able to upgrade their 2009 Ford to a 2012 BMW you are stuck in a '94 buick. And even though the tax cuts saved you enough money to fill the tank through the month, the Jones have their car note, house not and money to burn. It's class warfare at it's finest and the president will hold the best ammunition.

The "keeping up with the Jones" mentality is one reason our economy is as trashed as it is. I realize many years ago, that if I wanted to drive a better car or live in a better house I had to do something to make that happen. I worked two jobs and my wife worked two jobs to put her through school and get a better single job. Then I went to school to better my opportunities. Even though I ended up driving a stinkin' truck for UPS we did get a better car and a better house. My brother on the other hand worked one job, scrapped by to live in a house most of us here on BC would not even consider. He never resented the difference on our "stations" in life because he knew the difference in applied efforts to achieve what each of us had. There too many people that are jealous of what the Jones' have but are unwilling to go through what it takes to achieve the goals. My brother never thought I should pay for him to have a better home, car or whatever, yet others do expect that "help". Is THAT fair? no, it isn't. Politicians pandering to that jealousy is despicable and creates even more animosity than would naturally occur, regardless of the letter after their name.
If we don't get a handle on the spending in this country we, eventually, will all be paying 100% of our labor rewards to the government to dole out to us as they see fit for our very day to day survival.


Staff member
Except that it's more diabolical now. It's not that the Jones' make more it's the inequity or even percieved inequity in what the government expects them to pay in for taxes. Don't know why you are looking for things to be FAIR. Who ever said politics is FAIR? The give-aways to corporations are even more egregious and guess who is always painted as the suck-up to business.


golden ticket member
Except that it's more diabolical now. It's not that the Jones' make more it's the inequity or even percieved inequity in what the government expects them to pay in for taxes. Don't know why you are looking for things to be FAIR. Who ever said politics is FAIR? The give-aways to corporations are even more egregious and guess who is always painted as the suck-up to business.

Even if it's not fair, there was that video clip someone posted where those making over $250,000 had all of their earnings taken away and it still wasn't enough to pay the's not a taxing problem, it's a spending problem.
Can't wait to see B.O. 's most recent spending plan to Win The frienduture......WTF is right!!
Except that it's more diabolical now. It's not that the Jones' make more it's the inequity or even percieved inequity in what the government expects them to pay in for taxes. Don't know why you are looking for things to be FAIR. Who ever said politics is FAIR? The give-aways to corporations are even more egregious and guess who is always painted as the suck-up to business.
Never said politics was fair, the fair I was talking about is when a person earns their income, it isn't fair for them to have to pay a higher % than anyone else, they will automatically be paying more dollars. IMHO, that is a fair thing we should expect.
Anytime higher tax % is increased it lowers the will of the earner to produce more income. How many times have you heard a UPS driver, for example, say, " I don't want overtime because just a few hours of OT puts me in a higher bracket? The same works in corporations, if they can invest a million in the company and see a decent return, they will invest (sometimes even creating a job or two)they'll jump on it because the bottom line will rise. If investing the Mil, they see no increase in the bottom line because taxes eat it up, there is no incentive. That isn't sucking up, it's helping the those that provide the jobs. I know it doesn't always work out that way, but for many reasons that is a whole 'nuther discussion.


Staff member
Never said politics was fair, the fair I was talking about is when a person earns their income, it isn't fair for them to have to pay a higher % than anyone else, they will automatically be paying more dollars. IMHO, that is a fair thing we should expect.
Anytime higher tax % is increased it lowers the will of the earner to produce more income. How many times have you heard a UPS driver, for example, say, " I don't want overtime because just a few hours of OT puts me in a higher bracket? The same works in corporations, if they can invest a million in the company and see a decent return, they will invest (sometimes even creating a job or two)they'll jump on it because the bottom line will rise. If investing the Mil, they see no increase in the bottom line because taxes eat it up, there is no incentive. That isn't sucking up, it's helping the those that provide the jobs. I know it doesn't always work out that way, but for many reasons that is a whole 'nuther discussion.

But remember back in October? The reason the jobs weren't coming back was because of all the uncertainty with extending the tax cuts. That was resolved with an extension of the tax cuts and where are the jobs? Theory was companies just couldn't wait. It was a republican political sell job and it worked. Government is expensive. Those with more should pay more. Not all that tough to figure out. And corporations and their investments? Do you think GE is the only one playing the game? GM does huge business in China. That's the beauty that corporations get to play with. They raise hell about the draconian tax rates they have to pay all the while knowing there is no way in hell their accounting department will let the pay that amount. It's a game and a fraction they would pay goes to the accountants to maximize savings in taxes. Not that it's illegal. Just that while saving billions they also get some people feeling sorry for them.
But remember back in October? The reason the jobs weren't coming back was because of all the uncertainty with extending the tax cuts. That was resolved with an extension of the tax cuts and where are the jobs? Theory was companies just couldn't wait. It was a republican political sell job and it worked. Government is expensive. Those with more should pay more. Not all that tough to figure out. And corporations and their investments? Do you think GE is the only one playing the game? GM does huge business in China. That's the beauty that corporations get to play with. They raise hell about the draconian tax rates they have to pay all the while knowing there is no way in hell their accounting department will let the pay that amount. It's a game and a fraction they would pay goes to the accountants to maximize savings in taxes. Not that it's illegal. Just that while saving billions they also get some people feeling sorry for them.

I wasn't talking about the GE's of the country, but the independently owned and operated businesses with one, maybe two locations. At one time there were many more of them than there are today and being over taxed is just one of the reasons they have decreased in numbers.


Strength through joy

Ad in Washington Times asks whose SS# is Obama using?