Register to vote 🗳️


Well-Known Member
Register to VOTE 🗳️
It’s easy. It’s fast. Some people couldn’t vote decades ago. It’s your voice. Doesn’t matter your politics or beliefs. Your ballot doesn’t judge you. Ignore the noise. Cast your 2cents.


Retired 23 years
Register to VOTE 🗳️
It’s easy. It’s fast. Some people couldn’t vote decades ago. It’s your voice. Doesn’t matter your politics or beliefs. Your ballot doesn’t judge you. Ignore the noise. Cast your 2cents.
Don't vote if you are uninformed on the issues or are just a one topic kind of person ---like abortion. NO CANDIDATE is 100% perfect.


Strength through joy
I love this new mail-in-voting system.
I get to submit my votes in several states.
I spend the weekend before driving around to make sure all the ballots are postmarked locally.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Register to VOTE 🗳️
It’s easy. It’s fast. Some people couldn’t vote decades ago. It’s your voice. Doesn’t matter your politics or beliefs. Your ballot doesn’t judge you. Ignore the noise. Cast your 2cents.
Many upon many will be voting, in numbers that could not imagined decades ago. They won't know about that vote, they are dead, incapacitated, or otherwise unaware. Someone else registered them to receive that precious mail in ballot. Like a bumper crop, the votes will be harvested and counted.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I've been saying this for years. It's always about this time that every other website has GO VOTE! across the top of the page. All that does is push uninformed morons out to vote just for the sake of voting. If you need a Google Doodle or Taylor Swift to tell you to vote then you should be staying the :censored2: out of the polls.
