Scab UPS driver boasts about not paying Union dues


Well-Known Member
It's a TikTok video. There's a decent chance he is just cosplaying as a UPS driver.

And also the first guy says union workers make more than non union. Then the second guy said, "actually they don't" So it doesn't even make sense. Plus he's a morbidly obese.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It's a TikTok video. There's a decent chance he is just cosplaying as a UPS driver.

And also the first guy says union workers make more than non union. Then the second guy said, "actually they don't" So it doesn't even make sense. Plus he's a morbidly obese.
That’s true. I’ve only known a handful of ‘fat’ drivers. He could be a feeder driver?


Well-Known Member
After watching the video again it does appear he is in a UPS truck so maybe. I just never trust TikTok videos. Seems like he is giving management a good case to fire him for stealing time.


Happy Verified UPSer
We had some chumps cross the line in my building in 1997 and it's amazing what a ball bearing and a Sling Shot can do to a windshield
We only had one feeder cross the line. He was an a hole to begin with so no surprise. No one would talk to him afterwards but he made friends with the new guys.
We couldn't get close enough to get tires. We DID however picket drivers on area. One Scab was named Danny Schumate ( of course until the day I retired I referred to him as Scabmate) he was a big guy and told us all before the strike he'd whip ass if some one bothered him when he crossed. We picketed his truck and he ran into a business and wouldn't come out.He called the cops saying he Feared For His Life .Good ole Scabmate!
People that inform you that they are going to whip ass never actually do. Watch out for the quiet ones.