Serious: DO NOT boil eggs during the eclipse

Poop Head

Judge me.
I'm not gonna get into the science behind it, pretty obvious. I know most upser's (especially those who retired and are close to death) main hobby is boiling things. I beg you, keep your stoves off and egg-water tepid mid-day Monday!
That is all.
Have a safe eclipse


Fugitive From Reality
I'm not gonna get into the science behind it, pretty obvious. I know most upser's (especially those who retired and are close to death) main hobby is boiling things. I beg you, keep your stoves off and egg-water tepid mid-day Monday!
That is all.
Have a safe eclipse
Not even gonna risk it. I'm making my egg salad samiches today.

Just in case.


nowhere special

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I'm not gonna get into the science behind it, pretty obvious. I know most upser's (especially those who retired and are close to death) main hobby is boiling things. I beg you, keep your stoves off and egg-water tepid mid-day Monday!
That is all.
Have a safe eclipse
Wait..... I want to know why not.