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This evening as I was doing my dvir, I overheard the Ketter safety auditor tell a fresh off qualification driver, not to punch out because she needed to quiz him. They both went to the breakroom to go over all the DOK stuff.
About ten minutes go by and I overhear him telling the auditor that he didn't remember alot of the DOK stuff. The auditor then tells him he better learn it and know it because it's a requirement of keeping the job.
Since when did the auditors start threatening and giving orders. Do they do that at other centers because this is a first I've seen it.
About ten minutes go by and I overhear him telling the auditor that he didn't remember alot of the DOK stuff. The auditor then tells him he better learn it and know it because it's a requirement of keeping the job.
Since when did the auditors start threatening and giving orders. Do they do that at other centers because this is a first I've seen it.