Storming the Capitol


Staff member
Very ignorant comment.
Guns vs bike helmet.
Well I don’t like to speak I’ll of the dead but yes, it was ignorant to expect a bike helmet to stop a bullet.

Unless she didn’t think she’d face any repercussions for her rioting which would follow along a kind of entitlement belief. Whether she believed that her president called for that action or believed that law enforcement would bow to mob action or that Trump would send in the National Guard to take back the stolen election doesn’t really matter. She believed she had the right to break into that barricaded chamber.

She was wrong. Dead wrong in fact.


Staff member
Yep, there are hundreds upon hundreds of whites, rioting and ransacking neighborhood H&R Block offices.

And then there’s you, justifying looting and burning down businesses because of tax dodgers.

I happen to know that ‘your people’ also evade taxes. That makes you guilty of double dipping.
I haven’t seen a lot of looting lately.


Inordinately Right
Next time a crazed woman of any stripe with a backpack comes through my broken window with a mob of angry people behind her is the time feels the full brunt of my Mossberg 12 gauge shotgun.

She was a lunatic and played with fire. She got burned.
Oh check it out we got an internet tough guy here.


Legio patria nostra
Well I don’t like to speak I’ll of the dead but yes, it was ignorant to expect a bike helmet to stop a bullet.

Unless she didn’t think she’d face any repercussions for her rioting which would follow along a kind of entitlement belief. Whether she believed that her president called for that action or believed that law enforcement would bow to mob action or that Trump would send in the National Guard to take back the stolen election doesn’t really matter. She believed she had the right to break into that barricaded chamber.

She was wrong. Dead wrong in fact.
Perhaps the history of black mobs not facing repercussions for their actions or law enforcement bowing to mob actions instilled a perverse sense of security in her.
If we gunned down blacks for breaking windows we wouldn’t have racial issues anymore.
That’s in line with your logic here.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Moved aside for the tactical team that was coming in. Oh. That part doesn’t fit what you want? You would believe that the uniformed officers moved aside so that gave Ashli and others free reign to do whatever they wanted?

I asked you what the officers were doing. Would you like to try again to spin your ridiculous narrative?
That was no tactical team.. There is a video out there that explains and shows that whole situation had a lot of actors. Not to mention that glass window you guys talk about. It was a cheap piece of plexiglass.

The Driver

I drive.
Yep, there are hundreds upon hundreds of whites, rioting and ransacking neighborhood H&R Block offices.

And then there’s you, justifying looting and burning down businesses because of tax dodgers.

I happen to know that ‘your people’ also evade taxes. That makes you guilty of double dipping.
I’m saying it’s all crooked.