swing driver question?


Are swings at anybodys location forced to switch rts or cover sick calls at a moments notice?At our station, swings cannot be forced to do anything but what they are on the schedule for and when a pm driver calls out sick, swings can turn down the work, but us a.m. drivers are forced to cover the pup rt. Human resource guy says that is policy. I say that it is a load of :bsbullf:

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Are swings at anybodys location forced to switch rts or cover sick calls at a moments notice?At our station, swings cannot be forced to do anything but what they are on the schedule for and when a pm driver calls out sick, swings can turn down the work, but us a.m. drivers are forced to cover the pup rt. Human resource guy says that is policy. I say that it is a load of :bsbullf:
At my station they are moved around regularly. One told me yesterday that he was put on two routes before they finally settled him on a third.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Are swings at anybodys location forced to switch rts or cover sick calls at a moments notice?At our station, swings cannot be forced to do anything but what they are on the schedule for and when a pm driver calls out sick, swings can turn down the work, but us a.m. drivers are forced to cover the pup rt. Human resource guy says that is policy. I say that it is a load of :bsbullf:
Human Resources exists purely to facilitate management and their (lousy) decisions.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Are swings at anybodys location forced to switch rts or cover sick calls at a moments notice?At our station, swings cannot be forced to do anything but what they are on the schedule for and when a pm driver calls out sick, swings can turn down the work, but us a.m. drivers are forced to cover the pup rt. Human resource guy says that is policy. I say that it is a load of :bsbullf:
Ask your HR rep to show you the policy or look it up yourself to verify.


Fight the power.
At my station they are moved around regularly. One told me he was put on two routes before they finally settled him on a third.


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Star B

White Lightening
Are swings at anybodys location forced to switch rts or cover sick calls at a moments notice?

At our station, swings cannot be forced to do anything but what they are on the schedule for and when a pm driver calls out sick, swings can turn down the work, but us a.m. drivers are forced to cover the pup rt. Human resource guy says that is policy. I say that it is a load of b
That's all on your local management. If there's policy on that, I sure as hell want to see it because that would make my life so much easier and less stressful in the AM. I've been on plan E some days....

Maybe the policy states that the swing needs to be scheduled as an absence cover to cover sick calls and can't be whipped around on routes? Like I said, if anyone has the policy, please point it out.
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Well-Known Member
AM swings where I am never cover PM and PM swings never cover AM. They will change routes on a moments notice and sometimes 2 or 3 times before leave building. That is 1 reason they make $2.25 more an hour.


Well-Known Member
At my station they are moved around regularly. One told me yesterday that he was put on two routes before they finally settled him on a third.

That happened to me at least once a week at my old station. Manager would schedule us all for sick call coverage if we were on day routes, so she could just roll us into a PM route if anyone called out. Glad I'm not a swing anymore.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
When I was a swing I had to change what I was doing at a moment's notice many times.
I had a kissass at my station when I was a swing that would go to the managers pre-sort meetings and "recommend" that the rest of us be moved in order for him to cherry pick the routes he wanted. Always seemed to get his way. Whatta jerk.


Well-Known Member
They used to schedule 5 of us for over flow when vacations were light but if a pm pup route called out they would try and get one of us to do it.

No thanks I already have plans after 4:30 and you only have me scheduled until 4.

Plenty of part time guys will to work splits for extra hours, :censored2: that

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Are swings at anybodys location forced to switch rts or cover sick calls at a moments notice?At our station, swings cannot be forced to do anything but what they are on the schedule for and when a pm driver calls out sick, swings can turn down the work, but us a.m. drivers are forced to cover the pup rt. Human resource guy says that is policy. I say that it is a load of :bsbullf:

Policy is that scheduling and use of swings, as well as covering sick calls and things of that sort, is up to the ops/senior manager(s).

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Are swings at anybodys location forced to switch rts or cover sick calls at a moments notice?At our station, swings cannot be forced to do anything but what they are on the schedule for and when a pm driver calls out sick, swings can turn down the work, but us a.m. drivers are forced to cover the pup rt. Human resource guy says that is policy. I say that it is a load of :bsbullf:
Check your offer letter and see what it says. Last offer letter I got when I was a cover covered my butt when they tried to force me to work 5 splits a week. They mistakenly wrote that I would only have to work three.


Well-Known Member
"Operational Needs" Simplified explanation
If Swing Driver #1, Scheduled on Rte A, knows route A and B,
and Swing Driver #2 scheduled on B only knows Rte A

Management has to make a decision based on what gets it done, they'll swap the two drivers.

Granted its usually more complicated than that, with sick calls, HOS, etc.. but that's the "swing drivers for dummies" version


Well-Known Member
"Operational Needs" Simplified explanation
If Swing Driver #1, Scheduled on Rte A, knows route A and B,
and Swing Driver #2 scheduled on B only knows Rte A

Management has to make a decision based on what gets it done, they'll swap the two drivers.

Granted its usually more complicated than that, with sick calls, HOS, etc.. but that's the "swing drivers for dummies" version

I was a swing for way to long, got jerked around a lot even when I had the most seniority.

Basically if you have something to do even if it’s at 6pm just call off. Don’t take that gamble that you come in and get out on a route that runs until 6:30 or 7

Usually by March I had all of my days used besides my last week of vacation. Screw the sick pay out those were 5 days I had to use when needed