Taliban in control way to go Joe


Well-Known Member
It was well beyond just air support.
I’m glad you recognize they fought now and it wasn’t just throwing American troops to their death like you were making it seem about a week or two ago.
Any Americans dying in a nation building effort with a culture that neither wants or even understands what we were trying to do is a fruitless waste of human life. And the whole nation building smokescreen was to keep the money flowing. I'm all for us to continue offering air support, but since most Afghanis still want Sharia law then they should fight and die for what they believe in, not us.

El Correcto

god is dead
Any Americans dying in a nation building effort with a culture that neither wants or even understands what we were trying to do is a fruitless waste of human life. And the whole nation building smokescreen was to keep the money flowing. I'm all for us to continue offering air support, but since most Afghanis still want Sharia law then they should fight and die for what they believe in, not us.
It is in America’s interest to ensure Afghanistan is not ruled by a regime that supports global jihad and gives aid to terrorists. They have already proven themselves far too dangerous to be trusted. I don’t understand how many times that needs to happen for people to agree. Once was enough for me, the anniversary is coming up, maybe you should listen to the screams and hopelessness in your fellow American’s voice again? Maybe you should see what this regime supported and who they gave aid and comfort to and continue to do so to this day in the new government they have formed.

El Correcto

god is dead
Not to mention Afghanistan itself is valuable to us. Air bases by China, a ground army already supported by us not too far off from them. It’s a great idea imo. Now instead look what has taken its place, an embolden China establishing ties to people that not only hate us but are responsible for the most deadly terrorist attack in America’s history. It’s not a great situation that power vacuum was filled instantly as predicted, by some of the worse actors on the world stage as predicted, who will have everything to gain by funding our enemies who will seek to jihad us again.


Well-Known Member
It is in America’s interest to ensure Afghanistan is not ruled by a regime that supports global jihad and gives aid to terrorists. They have already proven themselves far too dangerous to be trusted. I don’t understand how many times that needs to happen for people to agree. Once was enough for me, the anniversary is coming up, maybe you should listen to the screams and hopelessness in your fellow American’s voice again? Maybe you should see what this regime supported and who they gave aid and comfort to and continue to do so to this day in the new government they have formed.
Then by all means wipe them out and be done with it. Threaten to wipe out Pakistan, and mean it, if they continue to arm and supply said terrorists. Don't stretch it out for 20 years to milk it for every dollar with no end in sight. Wipe them out, or get out. You are very cavalier with our soldiers' lives.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention Afghanistan itself is valuable to us. Air bases by China, a ground army already supported by us not too far off from them. It’s a great idea imo. Now instead look what has taken its place, an embolden China establishing ties to people that not only hate us but are responsible for the most deadly terrorist attack in America’s history. It’s not a great situation that power vacuum was filled instantly as predicted, by some of the worse actors on the world stage as predicted, who will have everything to gain by funding our enemies who will seek to jihad us again.
You think that won't bite China at some point? The Taliban has an established record of hoodwinking people. These are the same people, a couple of generations later, we were arming against the Soviets.


Legio patria nostra
Everything Biden and Kommie Harris are involved with turns to :censored2:.
His incompetence will be his legacy.

He recently was talking about how HE was the one that got 20 trucks into Gaza and HE was the one that “forced” Qatar to make Hamas release a hostage.

What a pathetic POS!