
Shortly after PMT and its retarded tracking rolled out I quickly decided there had to be a better way. I realized PMT was never going away. They were never going to give me a decent raise. I was never going to have management that wasn't no-talent-a-clowns with common sense. I should warn though, this was when I was wholeheartedly looking for another job, I was in short timer mode. So your mileage may vary.
I realized I spent probably 10 minutes a morning, before work, doing a little quality time in the "reading room" of my home. UPS bathrooms were well enough equipped, a bit dirty, lacking in reading material. However, by spending 15 minutes a day of UPS time a day in the bathroom would mean 75 minutes of personal free time. It was like getting a 3.1% raise, roughly the same as the yearly raises at the time. Except it was tax free. So the first few days went well, then my boss complained my PMT numbers were not adding up. Fair enough, I made myself a ticket. Boss was not amused. I explained I was trying to be honest with my PMT numbers. I offered to make sure I had details of exactly how I spent the 15 minutes. He told me this was in no way acceptable, I could not continue. I asked him to reply in email it was no longer acceptable, he asked why. I told him I wanted to be sure I had my fact straight when I spoke to the HR rep about my boss not allowing me to go to the bathroom. He was not amused. We agreed he didn't want to know, just try to fit the time in one of my other logs. Victory!
Almost forgot to add, I shared my little secret with a buddy of mine. Only seemed fair.