U.S. delivery companies dig deep to hire holiday season help


I started this.
Staff member
U.S. delivery companies dig deep to hire holiday season help - Reuters

The tightest U.S. labor market this century is putting pressure on margins for freight haulers and warehouse operators as they bid for hundreds of thousands of workers to move packages during the peak holiday period.

UPS is using messaging app Snapchat (SNAP.N) to find workers in competitive markets like Portland, Oregon, and Chicago, UPS global recruitment strategies director Paul Tanguay said.

UPS is also seeking 2,700 rural drivers to deliver packages using their own cars, expanding a 2016 pilot program, Tanguay said.


Retired 23 years
You guys are so friend'ed this peak. UPS finally wore out the welcome mat when it comes to getting slave labor for Christmas. I always wondered how long it would take before the younger generation wised up.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You guys are so friend'ed this peak. UPS finally wore out the welcome mat when it comes to getting slave labor for Christmas. I always wondered how long it would take before the younger generation wised up.

Yep! Amazon wins every time if you’re looking for a non-driving seasonal gig.


New Member
I work at UPS and the problem I'm noticing is that UPS is getting to the point where they're hiring and old person off the street,I've noticed that on my shift there have been some older women who are most in there early 40s-50s who are either overweight or just too damn lazy to get a job where they actually have to be accountable or the people are in their 20s and are just plain lazy. These sorry ass seasonal hires are really :censored2:ing us up because they get in the warehouse and realize that they're actually going to have to put forth some effort and decide not to and proceed to work slow acting like UPS isnt on a :censored2:ing schedule,I'm just waiting until peak season is over so I can laugh when the seasonal hires get angry when they're told thank you for your help we will no longer be needing your services and not getting hired because they sucked so bad during peak season


Well-Known Member
I work at UPS and the problem I'm noticing is that UPS is getting to the point where they're hiring and old person off the street,I've noticed that on my shift there have been some older women who are most in there early 40s-50s who are either overweight or just too damn lazy to get a job where they actually have to be accountable or the people are in their 20s and are just plain lazy. These sorry ass seasonal hires are really :censored2:ing us up because they get in the warehouse and realize that they're actually going to have to put forth some effort and decide not to and proceed to work slow acting like UPS isnt on a :censored2:ing schedule,I'm just waiting until peak season is over so I can laugh when the seasonal hires get angry when they're told thank you for your help we will no longer be needing your services and not getting hired because they sucked so bad during peak season
As long as his fat assgets out the truck and not me then I'm good.