U.S. Postal Service finalizes plan to slow some mail deliveries


I started this.
Staff member
U.S. Postal Service finalizes plan to slow some mail deliveries - Reuters

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) on Friday finalized a plan effective Oct. 1 to slow down some first-class mail deliveries as part of efforts to cut red ink.

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy proposed in March to revise existing one- to three-day service standards to one to five days for first-class mail. USPS said on Friday that 61% of first-class mail will remain at its current standard.

USPS said in a notice published in the Federal Register current standards require it "to rely heavily on air transportation, using air cargo transportation carriers and commercial passenger air carriers."

Delivery standards will be slower for about 7% of periodicals.


Well-Known Member
FedEx won't be happy, All that's changing is a good bit of mail will be going on trucks instead of planes. FedEx flys the most mail by far followed by UPS and then the airlines. FedEx will feel it the most, though, as USPS pays them billions a year to fly mail.


Retired 23 years
Who still hasn't went paperless...
We still get a LOT of crap through the mail. Every time I've tried to go paperless with any of my financial stuff they want me to set up new passwords and want a butt load of info (most of which they already have) . Screw them-- let them send me all their 5 pounds of worthless end of year reports and company board member election material crap. My trash can sits right next to the mailbox at the end of my road so I don't even have to bring it in the house. I figure it keeps the mailman, garbageman and paper manufactures employeed. :-)


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
We still get a LOT of crap through the mail. Every time I've tried to go paperless with any of my financial stuff they want me to set up new passwords and want a butt load of info (most of which they already have) . Screw them-- let them send me all their 5 pounds of worthless end of year reports and company board member election material crap. My trash can sits right next to the mailbox at the end of my road so I don't even have to bring it in the house. I figure it keeps the mailman, garbageman and paper manufactures employeed. :-)
Do you recycle...


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
We have no recycling program anymore. The county took all the funding away when the market for recyclables tanked. There is no market for the recycled stuff anymore.

I just like the warm cuddly feeling i get from separating my recyclable goods...


Placing them in the superior blue bin 😔


Good thing I wore my brown pants
We have no recycling program anymore. The county took all the funding away when the market for recyclables tanked. There is no market for the recycled stuff anymore.

Most people dont know that we only seperated our recycling to "things china wants" vs everything else.
China basically said, we have literaly years and years worth of recycled stuff, we arnt buying anymore.
Then we went to single stream recycling, as it is no longer profitable to sell recyclable materials on that scale.

Most people dont know that we only seperated our recycling to "things china wants" vs everything else.
China basically said, we have literaly years and years worth of recycled stuff, we arnt buying anymore.
Then we went to single stream recycling, as it is no longer profitable to sell recyclable materials on that scale.
Yes save environment unless it costs money......