United Parcel Service Pilots Picket UPS Investor Conference


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This morning the UPS pilots, represented by the Independent Pilots Association, conducted an information picket at the 2014 UPS Investor Conference held at the Grand Hyatt New York.

"We conducted this picket to inform the investment community that UPS has neglected its airline operations by failing to finalize the pilot contract," said IPA President, Captain Robert Travis. "We prefer to reach a negotiated agreement with UPS, but with our talks now entering a fourth year, we question whether UPS is equally committed to a resolution."

"UPS pilots have reaffirmed our intention to fly this Christmas by not seeking a release from the National Mediation Board. This holiday season, we remain committed to safe and reliable delivery," said Travis. Under the Railway Labor Act a request for release, if granted by the NMB, could lead to a 30-day countdown to a strike, or lockout.

The IPA invites the investment community to learn more about its dispute with UPS at www.ipapilot.org. "Investors will want to stay informed. As UPS pilot labor talks continue, we will keep you apprised of developments" said Travis.

UPS and IPA have been following the Railway Labor Act process for the last 39 months; direct negotiations for 29 months and mediated talks for the past 10 months. Direct negotiations began in September 2011 and continued through January 2014. In early 2014, UPS and IPA jointly requested federal mediation. The National Mediation Board docketed the case in February 2014 and assigned a staff mediator to oversee further negotiations. The parties have been in mediated talks since February 2014.

The Independent Pilots Association represents the 2,600 pilots who fly globally for United Parcel Service.

SOURCE Independent Pilots Association Press Release


Retired 23 years
Didn't it take UPS like 8 years to finalize the pilots last contract? They seem to really drag their feet on the pilots contract. Talk about a big back pay check!