UPS: Hidden Camera Found In Pa. Restroom; Police Investigating


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UPS: Hidden Camera Found In Pa. Restroom; Police Investigating - CBS Pittsburgh

Authorities are investigating after officials say a hidden mobile camera was found hidden in a women’s restroom at a United Parcel Service satellite facility in western Pennsylvania.

UPS spokeswoman Kim Krebs said Wednesday the person responsible for the camera found in the North Apollo facility has been identified and fired. Police have begun an investigation into the incident.


Retired 23 years
UPS: Hidden Camera Found In Pa. Restroom; Police Investigating - CBS Pittsburgh

Authorities are investigating after officials say a hidden mobile camera was found hidden in a women’s restroom at a United Parcel Service satellite facility in western Pennsylvania.

UPS spokeswoman Kim Krebs said Wednesday the person responsible for the camera found in the North Apollo facility has been identified and fired. Police have begun an investigation into the incident.

Anyone we know?


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many others are getting fired over there for breaking the cardinal rule? "No, i didn't know" etc.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if it was a management person who hid the camera and did they really get fired or just transferred to a remote center?


Pineapple King
In all honesty I haven't seen a woman come through my building in a long time I'd want to see in any compromising positions. Especially going the bathroom.