Who will Negotiate the 2018 UPS contract?

Hofficer Hater

Well-Known Member
With information leaking out of the IBT this week that Ken H is finished who will negotiate the next UPS contract beginning in August?

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
The federal government will be at the negotiating table in '18. My local was just turned over to the feds after a forensic study was just turned in. Also, with the H & H fiasco they will be forced to step in again. Hope by the time I turn 55. It will be straitened out. 6 more yrs


Well-Known Member
I don't want to make any brothers jealous and assume that I'm playing the favoritism card. How about we all sign a petition vouching for the three stooges (Lead Belly, Wide Load and Lagunabrown)?

Your just an annoying little nobody taunting real TEAMSTERS.........
