Covid Vaccine Aftermath


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I don't have any problem with the vaccines themselves, I have a problem with the ridiculous propaganda and lies about them being thoroughly tested and completely effective.

People should have been properly informed and given a choice.

Instead they got lies, gaslighting, and mandates.
Yup, 97% safe and effective. You can’t get or transmit Covid if you’re vaccinated. Masks work too. 🤣🤣🤣


Well-Known Member
Yup, 97% safe and effective. You can’t get or transmit Covid if you’re vaccinated. Masks work too. 🤣🤣🤣


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
99% of people who got the vaccine would simply never admit they made the wrong choice. No matter what. Ever.
As a 1%er, I got the shot. Three times. Last one 11/30/21.
My brother died of Covid when it first hit strong 11/20. The vax came out about a month later. He was a healthy stud of 54 years.
His death probably influenced my decision to get the vax more than anything.
So far, nothing about my health has said this is because I took the vax. I didn't get Covid until last year, by then, it was as weak as an easy flu.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I got the Moderna vaccines. (3 in 3 years) I have been vaccinated for almost every disease known to man, so I'm not worried about this one. I'm considered to be in excellent health with a low BP, etc.
My GF fell for the fear that was instilled by the media. Getting Covid was a death sentence, according to them and we both got very sick in Feb 2020. It was a bad flu and really tough on her.
I think it would be impossible to qualify something that didn't happen (not getting the vaccine and not dying, versus getting the vaccine and then not getting Covid).
I think there was SOME positive to the vax, but who knows? Maybe it was all a big lie.
First time I seen and heard Fauci, I knew he was a weasel.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
As a 1%er, I got the shot. Three times. Last one 11/30/21.
My brother died of Covid when it first hit strong 11/20. The vax came out about a month later. He was a healthy stud of 54 years.
His death probably influenced my decision to get the vax more than anything.
So far, nothing about my health has said this is because I took the vax. I didn't get Covid until last year, by then, it was as weak as an easy flu.
We all have personal stories, that’s what makes this such a sore subject. I lost a beloved cousin, brilliant guy, equine surgeon, director at the ASPCA. 😞


Legio patria nostra
I want his opinions.

I don't have any problem with the vaccines themselves, I have a problem with the ridiculous propaganda and lies about them being thoroughly tested and completely effective.

People should have been properly informed and given a choice.

Instead they got lies, gaslighting, and mandates.
I agree with you here.
Somehow, the “experts” ( Fauci in particular) had everyone, especially the most vulnerable that the need to act was immediate or you die!
I knew people that died from “Covid”, but it was actually pneumonia. May have been a link there.
I don’t know. Forcing anyone to isolate, innoculate, & masturbate is inappropriate, except in times of extreme emergency or boredom…


Legio patria nostra
As a 1%er, I got the shot. Three times. Last one 11/30/21.
My brother died of Covid when it first hit strong 11/20. The vax came out about a month later. He was a healthy stud of 54 years.
His death probably influenced my decision to get the vax more than anything.
So far, nothing about my health has said this is because I took the vax. I didn't get Covid until last year, by then, it was as weak as an easy flu.
1%??? LOL

Probably Green nation!
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Anti-vax nonsense. Not surprising.

This preprint has been removed by Preprints with The Lancet because the study's conclusions are not supported by the study methodology



Well-Known Member
Anti-vax nonsense. Not surprising.

This preprint has been removed by Preprints with The Lancet because the study's conclusions are not supported by the study methodology

Thanks for the fake news Romanian news site.


Hmm well you’re not a doctor, or even intelligent. So I will trust the Doctor who prescribed my mom ivermectin when she had Covid.
There were many doctors who jumped on the dis-proven bandwagon of ivermectin. There are kooks in every profession. Pointing out a study that has been debunked doesn't prove anything, except that you are easy to deceive.

Personal insults from someone like you don't bother me.



Well-Known Member
Anti-vax nonsense. Not surprising.

This preprint has been removed by Preprints with The Lancet because the study's conclusions are not supported by the study methodology

You can deny all you want but government published stats around the world show a large uptick in excess deaths, especially among young adults since the vaccines came out. Covid never affected young adults like this so you can't blame it on the virus. As I've already pointed out the mRNA vaccines aren't an automatic death sentence. But there have been so many adverse reactions including many sudden deaths that these vaccines would have never been allowed under normal trials that last years.