The National Debt, Do You Worry About It?


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
corporate taxes are way down and taxes on the rich are way down.
Dude, you didn't even answer what I asked. Look up any state revenue for vehicle registrations. Also, most are at a ten to one. As in every dollar spent is ten dollars made.
Most, if not all politicians are corrupt. State and federal.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you didn't even answer what I asked. Look up any state revenue for vehicle registrations. Also, most are at a ten to one. As in every dollar spent is ten dollars made.
Most, if not all politicians are corrupt. State and federal.
dude wheres my car? i answered the first questions


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
You don’t take deductions or try to legally minimize your tax liability? I don’t think you understand how corporations work they have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders..
Greed for Democrats is choosing not to pay high taxes. Never greed to inflict unnecessary high taxes on the people.


Inordinately Right
Greed for Democrats is choosing not to pay high taxes. Never greed to inflict unnecessary high taxes on the people.
Government is god for Democrats.
Everything belongs to god/government.
Trying to keep your money is greed because everything actually belongs to god/government.

Leftism is a religion.


The debt is only a concern when Democrats are in the presidency. Republicans run it up with tax cuts for corporations and the ultra- wealthy, Democrats then attempt to rein it in.

Look at history. Rinse, repeat.


Well-Known Member
Greed is good then for my pension that invests in business. Smart business avoiding excessive state tax.
greed is not good and its anti christian. i agree corporation would probably want to avoid paying tax, so who cares, tax them anyways.


Well-Known Member
You don’t take deductions or try to legally minimize your tax liability? I don’t think you understand how corporations work they have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders..
im not sure because in 2008 wall st executives looted their own banks. they did fraud to maximize short term profits which led to collapse.


Well-Known Member
the second point you made. i agree with the first.
It is their fiduciary responsibility. Usually the government is the one that bails them out, so who’s the bad guy? Let the companies fail and let people be able to sue those that don’t do their job with integrity. Instead, the government protects them.


Well-Known Member
It is their fiduciary responsibility. Usually the government is the one that bails them out, so who’s the bad guy? Let the companies fail and let people be able to sue those that don’t do their job with integrity. Instead, the government protects them.
the bad guy is the executives, and the govt for being corrupt. they were so big im not sure the govt couldnt bail them out based on what i vaguely recall william k black saying although ive heard different stories from others. but the solution to that would be dont let them get systemically big.