Tier 3 accident...


Staff member
Profession? Yes. Such as returning to school to finish my BA to apply towards another profession. Am i missing something. Or are you just finding it humorous to comment on someones post about losing their job?

All I found humorous was your allusion to being a UPS driver a profession.

Good luck in whatever you do.


Staff member
I Made a legal u turn on a green light, where my fault lies is assuming the vehicle i turned in front of would see me, as where my building is located, all drivers leaving have to make a u turn to head from west bound to east bound towards the highway. Its as if the individual was not at all paying attention, on the phone, or saw a quick way to make some holiday money by running into me.

I'll leave this for one our more conscientious members to tell you everything you did wrong.


Well-Known Member
Again, this is why I wanted the last contract to remove the company's ability to charge or dicipline any driver involved in an accident in which the other motorist is at fault.
Instead, we got a raise we didn't need so dues could be raised
On what contractual basis would the company have the right to terminate for an accident where the driver did not break the law, was not cited, and had the right-of-way?
Maybe I should have said taken out of service instead of terminating the driver. I assumed he was making an illegal U turn.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
If I read this right you were leaving the building at the beginning of the day?
If so, were there any other Drivers who saw what happened and reported what they saw?


Correct it was at the beginning, i had a driver behind me, and another shop steward come to assist me. Alot of drivers saw what happened, im assuming they are still on road, and will hopefully have my back in the coming days.

brown metal coffin

Well-Known Member
Its not uncommon to have a tier 3 accident and then based on if they like you or not have you back in the drivers seat right away. The next time you go out a supervisor will ride along with you for a "safety" ride for that day and you will be back at it after that. Now if your supervisor has been looking to get rid of you and you have been a thorn in their side. Well, it looks like the door is wide open for them to do that...

One thing is in your favor if you can call it that; and that is that we are in peak and they need all hands on deck and especially knowledgeable drivers. Good Luck and I hope it works out.