
Well-Known Member
The post office must be really struggling this year. On November 13, I ordered a couple books that were being shipped from a town about 100 miles away; I didn't get them until yesterday. They had been just sitting at the post office for 3 weeks.
I have a monthly coffee subscription which ships out the first of every month. My coffee is still sitting at a post office in Wyoming.


Well-Known Member
The post office must be really struggling this year. On November 13, I ordered a couple books that were being shipped from a town about 100 miles away; I didn't get them until yesterday. They had been just sitting at the post office for 3 weeks.
I have a monthly coffee subscription which ships out the first of every month. My coffee is still sitting at a post office in Wyoming.
It’s horrendous, we’ve never seen this kind of volume. USPS can’t tell shippers that we’re cutting back on pickups so that hurts. Just in y area, we’re sometimes picking up 11 trailers of just kohl’s mail every day.


Retired 23 years
I've ALWAYS had good luck with the USPS. People don't realize how their troops are harassed by their management just like UPS drivers. Lately I haven't been getting my mail until after 7 or 8 at night. At least its dark out then so I don't have to wear pants.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I've ALWAYS had good luck with the USPS. People don't realize how their troops are harassed by their management just like UPS drivers. Lately I haven't been getting my mail until after 7 or 8 at night. At least its dark out then so I don't have to wear pants.
You expect people to believe you wear pants in the daytime?


I talked to the local postman on my route and he said they'll be delivering Christmas volume by late January. Rumor is the USPS wants to contract FedEx and UPS to deliver the excess volume.


Well-Known Member
I talked to the local postman on my route and he said they'll be delivering Christmas volume by late January. Rumor is the USPS wants to contract FedEx and UPS to deliver the excess volume.

I’d be surprised if they could handle anymore themselves. We’ve started doing more pickups at some customers because UPS can’t get them enough empty trailers. Not like we’re doing much better.