Was bit by a dog


Frankie's Friend

It’s all frivolous. People are looking to get paid. Insurance companies pay and then get reimbursed from the rest of us.
It's similar to the lottery. Some are just paying in and some are taking out. Payouts sometimes actuates change for the betterment of many in the long haul.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
It’s all frivolous. People are looking to get paid. Insurance companies pay and then get reimbursed from the rest of us.

People should read the facts of the McDonald's case for starters.

"Know the Facts:" Resources for Consumers

It's also not all frivolous. I haven't even been biten to the point of the skin breaking but this job has ruined me as far as dogs go. I've had so many german shepards come after me that I won't visit certain family members because they have them.

That's a :censored2:ty way to live life that is a direct result of an individual not having control of their pet.


Well-Known Member
I would sue. You know they'd sue you (or the company at least) if you were to run over their dog, or run over their garden in your package car.

Lost time and inconvenience: $1,200.
Pain and suffering: $20,000.
Emotional stress/PTSD: $12,500.
Applicable lawyer/court fees: $5,800
sub total: $39,500
a-hole tax: $500
Total: $40,000

On top of all that i'd call animal control and push for the dog to be destroyed. Or at least have a note put into the DIAD for that residence, "Beware of Dog".. I remember the first time I delivered to a residence that had "beware of dog" in the DIAD notes. I thought it was funny, kinda, until this mean pit bull almost jumped over a gate trying to get at me. I dropped the package over the gate, pretty sure that dog chewed the hell out of it.


Well-Known Member
...and this bitch comes down the stairs and says don't ever kick my dog and picks up the :censored2: dog. First off, I will kick the :censored2: out of your dog when he is barking, growling and charging at me. Second off, how dumb can you be? No apology? Only a matter of time until a lawsuit happens.

That would PISS ME OFF! Her dog makes a run at you and you reasonably defend yourself then she gets an attitude with you..? Hell no! You should've smacked that mutt over the head with your DIAD. Some pet owners are ridiculous. We put aggressive and uncontrollable dogs to sleep, but what about the lazy and stupid owners? If your dog does something warranting a death sentence, you should be destroyed right along with it. Do society a favor. If they can't even control a dog imagine what kind of human beings they'd create if they were to breed.


Inordinately Right
I've had so many german shepards come after me that I won't visit certain family members because they have them.

That's a :censored2:ty way to live life that is a direct result of an individual not having control of their pet.
Grew up with a German Shepherd until my teens. Great dogs. Sorry you've had bad experiences.

It really is a shame dogs get killed because people suck at being pet owners. Luckily it's pretty rare.
Just remember that you filed that suit the next time you wine about frivolous lawsuits and how they end up costing everyone.
Suing someone because they was negligent and didn't control their animal is not frivolous. Especially when you lose time and work, have to seek medical attention and have a permanent scar.

Frankie's Friend

Interesting topic....I had a very close week with dogs, everyone always says that their dog won't bite, yea ok.

2 weeks ago I got bit (barely) at a printing company I deliver to and do pickups at. A week prior they claimed the annoying small dog just wanted to be pet...then it bit me when I was doing a pickup but barely broke the skin. Being a newer driver, wasn't sure what to do but now I know after talking it over with other drivers. Then, this week:

1. Knocked on a door and left the package, walked off... Dog barks and I continue to walk fast and dog comes in the street and went after another guy and he pepper sprayed the dog (kudos) I leave.

2. A very small gated apartment complex of like 8 residences. A lady was in the yard with her two dogs and she said they won't bite (yea, ok) well they tried to attack me but she held the aggressive one back.

3. I deliver two large packages to a business and announce UPS (small business, interior designer) a dog come darting down he stairs and I'm standing there with my DIAD, already had put the two large packages down so I raised my foot to block my legs with the rubber boots I had on (we were flooded yesterday) and this bitch comes down the stairs and says don't ever kick my dog and picks up the :censored2: dog. First off, I will kick the :censored2: out of your dog when he is barking, growling and charging at me. Second off, how dumb can you be? No apology? Only a matter of time until a lawsuit happens.

This thread opens my eyes of what to do in the future, I try not to put myself in these positions but sometimes hey are unavoidable due to people being too dumb and irresponsible to care for their pets. It reminds me of parents of murders saying their kid couldn't have done he crime....yes, your dog will bite a complete stranger. If we get bit by a dog and decide to sue, does UPS care? Or is it more of a personal matter?
If (the last scenario) that woman wouldve reprimanded me for her dog attacking me I wouldve explained the attack to the Center Manager and had him call her to let her know her stop was going to be in permanent will call until either:
A. She gets rid of the dog or
B. She signs an exemption form so we can knock and leave her deliveries outside.
If (the last scenario) that woman wouldve reprimanded me for her dog attacking me I wouldve explained the attack to the Center Manager and had him call her to let her know her stop was going to be in permanent will call until either:
A. She gets rid of the dog or
B. She signs an exemption form so we can knock and leave her deliveries outside.
My dog never bit anyone....

Guess what B* it just did. Some people don't deserve to have dogs.


Well-Known Member
If (the last scenario) that woman wouldve reprimanded me for her dog attacking me I wouldve explained the attack to the Center Manager and had him call her to let her know her stop was going to be in permanent will call until either:
A. She gets rid of the dog or
B. She signs an exemption form so we can knock and leave her deliveries outside.
I did call my sup and he seemed pretty concerned...he said, so let me get this straight...she has a dog in her business...it came at you and that's how she reacts? He asked me if I was ok a few times, of course I was. I do like your suggestion of a consent form and CIR outside the business.


Staff member
Suing someone because they was negligent and didn't control their animal is not frivolous. Especially when you lose time and work, have to seek medical attention and have a permanent scar.
None of that is the case with the OP.


What is it? A brown box. Duh
I’m a new driver just a couple months in. it was Wednesday evening 7/18/18 last 6 stops of the day walk up to a group of people out on their driveway with their dogs out on leashes they say the dog is fine pull on it’s leash to get the growling dog away from me.

When I got close the dog lunged from he hands and got a good nip on my leg on the calf. They were apologetic and couldn’t believe their dog actually bit me they gave me peroxide to rub on it I called my center to report it and finished my day.

When I got back in they looked at it and said didn’t look too bad and sent me home to talk about it in the morning. I didn’t see any medical attention I’ve never been bit by a dog before so I just went home and next morning they acted like it wasn’t a big deal sent me back on the road

so I took it upon myself to stop back at the house to check if the dog was up to dates on it’s shots. The owners were more than happy to show me and were very apologetic when I seen the papers I didn’t notice much but it did say boosters and 3 year rabie vaccines. It’s been 2 days now and this thing still stings

just wondering what’s your guys thoughts? Have you been bit? Is it more serious than I thought? Should I still see a doctor?
If the injury is not bad, lesson learned, keep your guard up when around a dog, and never turn you back on one. That is why personally I always carry a dog treat on me for worst case scenario I can throw one and get back in the truck and so far it has worked

Frankie's Friend

I did call my sup and he seemed pretty concerned...he said, so let me get this straight...she has a dog in her business...it came at you and that's how she reacts? He asked me if I was ok a few times, of course I was. I do like your suggestion of a consent form and CIR outside the business.
Not a CIR... a signed delivery blanket exemption so you dont even have to see her because when she opens the door the dog may come outside.

A CIR is for when you actually see someone at the commercial stop.

A blanket SDN exemption form allows you to lv the pkgs without seeing anyone. Keep the fricking door closed. Our center has forms set up for that situation.

Plus it keeps you from defrauding the delivery with a CIR . If the company denies seeing you then there's a problem and it belongs to you as the driver....
unless the center manager signs off for you to do it that way.


Are you sure you want to punch out?
Never been bit because I charge at it if One ever becomes aggressive. Usually they run and continue barking from a safe spot.

Frankie's Friend

Never been bit because I charge at it if One ever becomes aggressive. Usually they run and continue barking from a safe spot.
Except chows. They have no reverse gear.
Been there personally. Counted the teeth around the purple tongue.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Grew up with a German Shepherd until my teens. Great dogs. Sorry you've had bad experiences.

It really is a shame dogs get killed because people suck at being pet owners. Luckily it's pretty rare.
Cannot read them at all. It's like they're completely emotionless. Then bam they come at you.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Just remember that you filed that suit the next time you wine about frivolous lawsuits and how they end up costing everyone.
I also used to believe dog bite lawsuits were frivolous until I was attacked by a dog and missed two weeks of work as a result. I was traumatized for months. Did I sue? You bet your ass! Why should I lose money because they didn’t control their dog? I was bitten twice before that and didn’t feel the need to sue because it didn’t break the skin. I think it should depend on the situation.