
  1. 2

    PVD Driver

    I was hired as a PVD in May and went through the orientation in late May. After orientation they made the comment about getting us started as early as the next day. The job was described as a seasonal position that would be needed through August. Then I was never utilized as a driver. I...
  2. H

    Headed to Intergrad

    Hello, Heading to Intergrad for drivers school. I've been with UPS as a package handler for 2 years but I'm only the second person in my building to be sent to Intergrad. I've read some posts on here about it but most seem to be several years old so I figured I'd start a new one. I know it's a...
  3. Almightyzvy

    Hired as 22.4 Driver off street

    hey guys new to brown.. hired off the street as 22.4 combo driver at the hub on 180 Canal Pl in the Bronx. Going for my road test on Saturday, any tips would be helpful. manager said once i pass road test ill do dot physical right after and then start by next week. im sure i can pass road test...
  4. F

    Integrad Franklin park, Illinois ( chicago ) stick shift?

    Hi, anyone that has been to the Integrad driver training facility near chicago recently, do you know if they use manual trucks? My hub does not use or test on them anymore but it is still a qualification for 22.4, so i am assuming Integrad will have a stick shift. Thank you in advance for info...
  5. P

    22.4 rights & understandings

    So I know that a 22.4 has the right to 8hr a day,5days a week (guaranteed). I also know the ways to achieve the 8hr can be combined with driving/airs and or local sort/preload. My boss has told me I can work whatever drive time that’s available and if I choose to not do local/preload for the...
  6. M

    Part time cover

    is this year round work or laid off after Santa comes to town? Do you really have a shot to go full time or is it another smoke show from HR, to cover routes and train me up bf the storm comes in November
  7. H

    New 22.4 combination driver question

    Hi teamsters I recently made FT 22.4 and it states in the contract that I’m guaranteed 8 hours inside work whenever I’m not driving. I currently work in revenue recovery and PT management is implying that I can’t work 2 shifts in revenue recovery because, “ there is no work”. Ect ... That’s...
  8. C

    A few questions as a new employee?

    Hi, I just got hired as a combination driver. I wanted to ask you REAL employees a few questions that I have. 1. I read that regular driver's top rate is significantly higher than combination driver(about 40 vs 35 per hour). How do I become a regular driver? Do they even hire anymore RPCD...
  9. M

    New 22.4 Hire: Looking For Position Specific Info, Thanks!

    Hi, I've just been offered a 22.4 Combination Driver position out of the Farmingville, NY UPS location. The "interview" was extremely basic, barely asked anything about me, other than my driving record. I also learned the position is part-time until approximately 40-70 days. So, I have...
  10. T

    22.4's it "would be a mistake to overlook the news of hybrid drivers as more of the same"

    Who benefits from this Contract??? Bernstein's David Vernon checks in with logistics giants United Parcel Service (UPS) and FedEx (FDX) on Monday, writing that there's reason to keep the faith about both stocks. First, UPS: The company announced an agreement late last month with its Teamsters...
  11. Hethatbeking

    They got us working, working day and night.

    UPS Teamsters Take On Two-Tier | Labor Notes
  12. Papa Bear

    Temp Driver Bid

    New to the site, so hello! I am currently doing preload and wanting to be a full time driver. Our hub is trying to hire a temp driver and I have heard some say I should do that instead of waiting for a full time driver position to open. Just curious what you all think. Why would going to temp...
  13. Gooner

    And so it begins...

    Saw a class of about 30 new drivers this morning in my hub. Can UPS already be gearing up for 22.4’s? I wouldn’t mind them bringing on a few more RPCD’s to pad my seniority a little bit.
  14. P

    Hybrid vs Cover Drivers

    Im a bit new but I'm not really seeing how this is affecting RPCDs. I feel like reading the 22.4 is mostly to handle the cover driver problem. My hub has so many cover drivers who start at $30 and they get 50 hrs+. Those are suppose to be part time drivers. That's who I believe the company is...
  15. Benben

    Kiss 8 hours goodbye with 22.4's in the contract!

    Per the contract, the number of 8 hour requests granted per day is based on a percentage of full time drivers put out that day! Decrease the number of full time drivers by adding 22.4's, I see any Center Manager who can not get the number of daily 8 hour requests down to 2 per day getting...