
  1. Jkloc420

    What will UPS do with a 20 percent corp tax

    invest in buildings
  2. T

    Quick question about healthcare seniority (On Topic)

    If I started December 17th 2016, would I be eligible for the union health care plan Dec 17th 2017? or later than that since I was considered seasonal but got kept as permanent
  3. BrownSyndrome

    Hey neasayers, what are the solutions, huh? let's hear 'em

    [SERIOUS QUESTION] what is something that could be done in your hub to make UPS function more logically and efficiently?
  4. BigUnionGuy

    It happened again

    UPS employees use fake addresses to scam thousands from company This comes up about every 5 years. The funny thing is.... It's usually a collaboration between hourly's and management. Enjoy prison.
  5. B

    part time hour limit?

    im wondering if theres a limit on hours we can work as part timers? i was told it was 60 hours a week but have seen ppl triple shift, have also seen some ppl not allowed to come in because they had worked too many hours the previous day.
  6. L

    Was I in the Wrong...

    My first stop every morning is the Post Office... I'm there every morning within 10 minutes of leaving the building... I back up to a dock, honking my horn while backing... get up against the dock, go around to the back of the truck, and ring the buzzer button on the wall... its a loud buzzer...
  7. Gooner

    Mondays are easy now!?

    I have been working tues-sat for about 6 weeks now. Came in today to get some extra hours. The route that im covering is normally 120-160 stops and roughly 12 pickups on any given day. Today— 80 stops. Have you guys who started Saturday ground noticed a drop in Monday’s volume as well?
  8. K

    Tdp vs Feeder run

    I'm curious why (what should be a newly acquired feeder run) would then get a bid posted in our center as a TDP/Package car job. We've never had TDP jobs in our center yet they've been cutting Feeder runs left & right? Why would they not assign this new business to Feeders?
  9. M

    Need help with satellite route

    Hey guys. Before I get started, please try not to slam me. I'm wanting to do the right thing and want advise from you guys. I was forced to run a satellite route 2 and 1/2 years ago. I drive approx 30 minutes to the sight where my truck is to load up. At first, I had decent weeks. A couple of...
  10. JL 0513

    Late air - Is this widespread? What's going on?

    For the past 2 months, we've had late air 2-3 times a week, every week. Either requiring on road meets or waiting in the building for a half hour. The "normal" frequency is more like a late air day once every 2-3 weeks (at least in my center). I'm in the northeast. Is this a problem stemming all...