...and its hilarious.
Our center manager this morning was practically begging us to find peak season helpers.
Our manager claims that they need 47 helpers, and that they only have 6 at the moment.
Sucks when you try to pay people a pittance and then there's Amazon ready to pay you more to be...
Any other center doing this? Starting this week instead of using off the street/hub workers we are using drivers as helpers. For me it's the best thing ever. He not only knows the DIAD unlike most helpers, buy also knows my route. So we can destroy a bricked out truck like it's a 9.5...
#1--Thou shalt make safety thy first concern.
On day 1, I always give my helper a 5 min lecture on staying safe. That means NO RUNNING, PERIOD. That means 100% use of the handrail when entering or exiting, no exceptions. That means that, if I screw up and start the engine before they have the...