ups management

  1. A

    Change of operations

    Has any one out there delt with a change of operations? Might be happening out of Silverthorne moving to eagle, CO. Any help insight would be appreciated.
  2. S

    Ask a Full time supervisor any questions - On topic please

    It seems that there is a lot of bad information going on around this forum, mostly trolling. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Stay on topic, no trolling. Thanks.
  3. N

    DOT 70 hour rule??

    So today my shop steward said that the DOT hours of service went up to 70. Does this all but guarantee a 6 day work week next comtract?
  4. Wally

    Stock -Class A to B

    Any easy way to do this? Can it be done online?
  5. K

    How short staffed is your hub? Any new hires?

    My Socal Hub has really been keeping guys on a short leash the last few weeks or so it would seem. I've heard of numerous firings for everything from mistakes, attendence, arguments, and so forth. The terminations have directly affected the areas i work in because i am finding myself being...
  6. A

    UPS Towed My Car From Employee Parking Lot

    I've got an old beater and apparently some genious in management had LP call the local police to have it towed bc they said it was an abandoned vehicle. The car is legally reg and insured in my name and i have been driving it to work on and off for the last 6 years. They didn't bother to...
  7. J

    Is UPS really this bad to work for, or are people exaggerating??

    I've been a member of this forum community for two days now, as a result of starting a part-time position as a driver helper next week. And I was just curious from reading most of the posts, is UPS really as horrible as people make it out to be? Some of the things I've seen people say: 1. You...