Anonymous 10
sorry I might have taken it a little to far but I felt your litigation statement to be a challenge. I was wondering why some nobody ( no disrespect to you) would say this.How is making a sarcastic crack about litigation an insult to you? Seriously, I was not trying to insult anyone, I was trying to point out that from what I have read in these threads, Hall is going into negotiations with preconceived ideas about what he is and is not willing to even discuss. If the company did that, you would call it failing to negotiate in good faith.
And you are correct, I have gotten nothing but hate in this thread. Strangely though, I have gotten nothing but hate from only you. The rest of your brothers have been able to have reasonable discourse, even over very emotional subjects.
Might want to reflect on that.
I am not calling you names, I am not saying you are no one and have no value, as you have said of me, I am merely suggesting you might want to reflect on why you are the only one who feels the need to sling those insults at me.
If you feel the hate from me I'm truly sorry but the hate for you and your screen name are far greater than your senses can pick up on. This has been a very hard last 6 yeas and this company has changed the culture catastrophically I'm afraid. Most teamsters will forever be suspicious of management and some have very deep disdain that can't be repaired. Compound this with record profits and you attacking our healthcare and the