114° Friday, how hot was your delivery area?


We were 115 here in Phoenix. My route was 125 stops with businesses and pickup of UPS store. I then had to take 70 stops from another driver who was going to violate his 9.5 for day 3. So I ended up with 200 stops in 115 degree heat. Now that's bull:censored2:!!!


Binge Poster
I honestly don't know how you can not prepare for the heat. I freeze a gallon of water overnight, buy cases of Gatorade and freeze 1 or 2 of them a night, and put the water and gatorade in my lunch box with about 4 ice packs. All of the frozen liquid acts as large ice blocks and it stays ice cold all day, even in the 110 degree heat index we had last week. Also I buy propel packets to add to my water bottle. I make it a mission to drink non stop all day. It's not difficult.

Air conditioning doesn't make a whole lot of sense anyway. Every stop you open the door and it's gone. People have worked in the heat since the beginning of time. It's up to you to prepare for it or not work in a job you cannot handle it. Personal responsibility for your life and career will make you a winner!

AC would make a huge difference.

This is the year 2018.

No AC.



Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I then had to take 70 stops from another driver who was going to violate his 9.5 for day 3. So I ended up with 200 stops in 115 degree heat. Now that's bull:censored2:!!!
Which part is BS???

The part where you had to take 70 stops off a guy so he would stay under 9.5 hours?


Folks, that is what's at stake in this vote!


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Integrity, the very least they could do (The very least) is to switch to breathable uniforms!

But hey, uniforms do not affect them in their offices so whats the diff right?


Binge Poster
Working in the heat is inhumane? Haha. UPS drivers aren't the only profession that works outside. Are you saying that all construction workers are treated inhumanely? Or firefighters? You should go travel to some other countries and have a look at what real inhumane conditions are. Inhumane in my mind also indicates an inability to leave the job, which we can do whenever we choose to.
Standards the American Companies should maintain should be the best working conditions on the planet.

Comparing working conditions to other countries is just an attempt at unacceptable justification of unacceptable behavior.

How many billions is enough?


Working in the heat is inhumane? Haha. UPS drivers aren't the only profession that works outside. Are you saying that all construction workers are treated inhumanely? Or firefighters? You should go travel to some other countries and have a look at what real inhumane conditions are. Inhumane in my mind also indicates an inability to leave the job, which we can do whenever we choose to.

I understand what you are saying but I will point this out. In my area, construction workers knock off at 3. The hottest part of the day. Never ever seen a firefighter work outside for 12 hours, and my brother is a firefighter. He always tells me how easy it is. Again, it may be different where you are from, but your comment is completely wrong over here. I wouldn’t call it inhumane, but it’s difficult. We also have the luxury of working and living in the US with a union, so why would I want to travel to other countries?


Binge Poster
So anyone who’s worked outside in the summer for the last few thousands of years has been workin in inhumane conditions now? You do know that air conditioning was invented in 1902?
Working outside is not the same as being in a vehicle.

Hyperthermia from being in a hot vehicle is a real hazard.

Outside workers have new modern ways and regulations to mitigate heat stress/injury/illness hazards. Unfortunately AC is not a reasonable option.

AC is a more than reasonable solution in factories, warehouses, and those who spend part or all of their day in vehicles.


I agree that they should put some sort of cooling system in the back, however, I can't take people like you seriously when you use terms like "hostage takers". You must call anybody who doesn't agree with your political beliefs "Nazis" also. Your job is voluntary. I just can't stand people who theatrically compare their situation to something they have no idea about and would piss their little panties if they actually saw what inhumane is, or slavery is. Classic first world privilege. Try to get everything for free, never suffer any inconveniences or discomfort, and blame some higher power for hostage taking whenever you don't get what you want.

I once went to work with a bad hangnail on my toe

Which group am I in?

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
Got messages of drivers going to hospital for dehydration and not eating. Mgmt sending messages, if you run out water to break route and replenish. Like really?! I guess some of us need to be instructed....

A customer asked me the ol' classic question, "Do you have AC in your truck"?

Followed up by my answer, "Nah, UPS doesn't care about us"!

For those thinking of voting yes, just remember days such these. Rain, snow or hell on earth. You'll be out there in these conditions while they sit behind a desk.
1st ever post. Vote No, since some need to be instructed on things.
I can see the number one proposal in 2023 being we want air conditioning. With the way global warming is going you never know. I wonder what the cost affixed to air-conditioning all hubs and package cars would be. Maybe we should start a new proposal period a year later at the end of negotiations.


Well-Known Member
You bring up slavery like there weren’t people that would be saying the same thing that you are saying... Do you think there was little Resistant to the freeing the slaves?

We work harder then laborer out there in the business. Hands down! On top of it we deal with the most stressful company to work for in the world! Anything worse would be slavery... Both are still wrong and two wrongs don’t make a right!

I bring up slavery because it's a comparison people here make all the time. Slavery is forced labor as a prisoner. We are making 6 figures for a job we can leave whenever we choose as well as gain the best healthcare in the country for free. My point being that comparing an at will job as slavery is actually insulting to those who have gone through it in the past. It cheapens it and makes it interchangeable and loses it's meaning.


Well-Known Member
AC would reduce gas mileage and would cost more to spec the new trucks with it. Plus more money to refill the cooling element when it runs out. Would be nice to have in the 24 foot vans atleast.