125000 jobs lost in June...


golden ticket member
Hillary has too much pride for the #2 position....besides, she has the most experience of the 2 of them. Everyone knows that except for a presidential death, the veep is a court jester.
Obama needs to be totally out of the picture! Besides he'll be busy delivering all those mortgage payment and car payment checks that he promised all those people....they're still waiting for them.

Hillary can run, but needs someone else as her running mate.


Well-Known Member
...has a sitting President ever been Vice President in the following term?

If Hillary won the nomination, there is nothing that prevents her from naming Obama VP if he would accept the job. President Taft after leaving office became the Chief Justice of SCOTUS so who knows.

I like the original idea in the Constitution that whoever finished 2nd in the Presidential election was automatically the VP. That really lends itself IMO to a division of power and a possible check on potential abuse of the unitary executive because the VP could use the legislative branch in the Senate to block consolidation of power, or so the theory goes. Looking at McCain one has to question that thinking!


Census knew their fate when they signed up for the job..... The 125,000 figure came from 225,000 Census workers layed off. 100,000 new jobs reported. That leaves a net balanced 125,000 temp jobs lost. As bad as it sounds it's

Actually bush never lost 800 k jobs. He did hit 700 once during his eight years while Obama has done it many more times since.

Bush's unemployment rate ran in the 4 to 6 percent range with 2006 and 2007 being his best years when he ranged between 4.4 and 4.7 percent. Any wonder it all went down hill when Obama and democrats then took over congress? Bush's worst unemployment rate of 7 percent was achieved his last month in office. Obama would kill for 7 percent right now. wonder how long it will take him to get back down to that number.

still a gain. At least we're not losing 800,000 jobs a month when Bush was a lame duck....


Für Meno :)
Impressive chart ! Just in countries that are conservative, the chart goes the other way around, like in Canada, France, Italy,Germany, and many more.

(meaning the past will have less unemployment, regardless who was in power) !!!


Strength through joy
That chart was only for this country to imply otherwise is foolish.
Now would you care to show matching graphs from all those other countries for the same time periods ?


Strength through joy
The National Bureau of Economic Research scores the recession as officially starting in December 2007.

Thirty-one months later, with unemployment still near 10% and the work force still declining, the NBER says it still cannot determine an official end to the recession.
The longest recession since World War II previously was 16 months, with the average being 10 months.
By next month, it will be twice as long as the previous postwar record since the latest recession started.

Lue C Fur

Evil member