Bring a couple pillows, a couple blankets, a jug to relieve your bladder, some snacks and some water. When it's your time to sleep, make sure you go back and sleep. When it's your time to drive do everything you can to make sure your partner is able to get good rest. Smooth starts and stops, try to avoid large bumps, and no excessive noise or light from the cab.
Living on the road can be annoying and stressful at times. A good and positive attitude goes a long way. Do your best to maintain peace in that cab and be respectful and understanding of your co-driver. There are few things worse than being trapped for days in tight quarters with someone you can't stand.
Most of all, make good choices. Know where your next turn around is, know how to get there, and get there as efficiently and safely as you can. If possible, get the phone numbers for CMG, the feeder offices of the places you go, and don't be afraid to ask someone for help or advice.
Good luck.