Let me try this again. Equal opportunity not equal results.
You work 80 hours per week selling hotdogs to provide for yourself plus to take advantage of some of the finer things in life such as the great vacations you always speak of. You do not work harder and longer to pay higher taxes for the lazy hamburger seller.
The hamburger man living in the same "system" as you works only twenty to thirty hours five days a week. He complains that you do not pay your share--in the real world-- REALITY --you pay much more than him for your hard work.
The hamburger man claims you are "rich" and have taken advantage of the system. He believes that before you go on any more vacations you must pay for his vacation because he cannot afford to becuse he has seven children from three different women.
It is your duty to work harder-educate my children,pay for their healthcare and pay for their food stamps.
On top of you working longer,working harder, paying the most in real dollars to the government ---you are not thanked by the hamburger man --he has contempt for you ==you are an evil ,greedy ,not paying your share person.
That is what we have come to today. In the U.S. there is now a battle to provide school children with dinner as well as lunch.
1. I do not have children
2. My taxes already pay for their education
3. My taxes already pay for their free lunch
4. My taxes already pay for their housing
5. My taxes already pay for their food stamps --b'fast lunch and dinner
Now I must pay for a Second Dinner --or its my fault that the food stamps were used for drugs or gambling ???
I'll give you a contra example :
I live in a small town, everyone works and most people have their own small business.
I earn my money selling hotdogs 7 days a week, others have a motel, restaurant, hardware store, grocery store, showmaker, you name it, everything a town should have.
The local farmers even sell their produce and meats at the weekend fair.
Most local kids already have their future planned , which is to take over the family business that has been around for many generations.
However, things turn around dramatically when Big Wall Street moves in.
Walmart, Safeway(windixee or whatever), Home depot, Mac Donalds, Super 6 Motels (hotels), etc move in.
Mama & Papa shops go out of business that were actually good money makers in the past.
Mama & Papa are also forced to work for Wally or Ronny at minimum wages now.
Their kids have little future ahead, they'll need to move or work for miminum wage themselves for Big Wall Street.
The farmers are forced to sell most of their goods, for far less, to the big chains, because they can't compete at the weekend market with those new low grocery prices.
The town that once flourished is no more. The dollars that the town did once accumulate all goes to the big corperations and their shareholders.
It's literally being sypfoned away.
Big Corps (like Godfather Cain) tells the towns people, it's our fault we didn't work harder to get where we wanted to be.
Now take this to the national level - that's exactly the problem countries like the US have. The money is mostly gone from all the "towns people" (citizens), therefor big corps (Big Wall Street) is heading overseas to get more.
In all honestly how many more TV's can someone sell in the US when there are already more TV's then rooms per house ?
Anyways we know the outcome : Big Corps sitting on trillions of dollars, while the average folk is living from paycheck to paycheck - that's if they even get one with no jobs around , nor any in sight.