2006 calendars


From the promised LAND
I guess UPS could take some hints from FEDEX in the funny department. You would think they could do better. One of the best ads that could have been expanded was the one they ran with Santa and sleigh stuck or broke down. That type of humor is great. From what I hear, more money was spent, but less value was gotten in this calendar.

Shame, but that is what you get when the bean counters run the show. And we all know that numbers geeks have a different view of what people want than the rest of humanity.



Where next? Venice
dannyboy said:
I guess UPS could take some hints from FEDEX in the funny department. You would think they could do better. One of the best ads that could have been expanded was the one they ran with Santa and sleigh stuck or broke down. That type of humor is great. From what I hear, more money was spent, but less value was gotten in this calendar.

Shame, but that is what you get when the bean counters run the show. And we all know that numbers geeks have a different view of what people want than the rest of humanity.


Easy Dannyboy :taz:,

I was one of those "bean counters" (accountant) for much of my career and I would never have let that calendar happen were I in the position to decide. I am a bit 'A typical', :alien: true, but still, you seem decidedly biased against our group. Oh boy, now I feel like a minority group. I wonder if the ACLU will take up my case?


From the promised LAND
The bean counters I dont have much use for are those that only look at the dollar amount to be spent, not the value of the product being purchased. Accountants serve a very useful purpose.

Now do you feel better? :tongue_sm


Anonymous Coward

Who all gets these calendars? I get deliveries almost every day and my UPS guy has never mentioned them. I'm a sucker for a free calendar!


From the promised LAND
The people with shipping accounts with UPS. Now we could set you up if you like, and we will see to it you get one too!



Active Member
pkgdriver said:
Worst Calendars in 20 yrs as voted on by my pickup customers and myself..I hope we saved a lot of money on them.

They must have saved at least some money ~ February reuses a picture from the cover of the 2005 calendar!


New Member
just another example of why our stock is down 5% from last year and fedex is up 12%. everything in the past year or so has been a giant step backward, the calender is just a reflection of that. at least the calenders are good for a laugh with the customers! driver/customer bonding.


I have alot of retail on my route, they are not as skeptical of the calendar as most accounts are. The young teenie boppers are too busy trying to find nothing to do anyway. They always ask me if I'm in it this year, of course I always say, "no, but there are people in there who look just like me, because you know, we all look alike".
How do other centers distribute calendars? It seems every year it's done differently in mine. Sometimes they are sorted by route and pickup log and then given to the driver, and sometimes not. Usually about 10 boxes arrive in the center before Thanksgiving and they are shoved under a counter, then someone says, "what are these the new calendars". As soon as they come in you have to take yours or in a week or they will be gone. You hate to hear from customers, "do you have any more of those calendars" and say,"no I don't". I try to keep them happy
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