2010 Census. To mail or not to mail?


Well-Known Member
I simply don't have the time nor do I want a Census worker knocking on my door so I filled out the form and mailed it in. I must have received the "short form" as I only had a few questions to answer.

Channahon mentioned using data that the govt already has from several sources, including the IRS. The only problem with that is the census is asking for the information as of a certain date (April 1 ?) and the information on your tax return is as of 12/31/09. In my case this would mean that if they used the data from the IRS I would have to include myself and my son but if they used the data that I submitted on the census it would just be me. Social Security has been known to send benefit checks to dead people so that wouldn't work. Birth and death records take time to get added to the system.

There does appear to be a lot of waste involved with the Census. For example, I received a letter about a week before I received the form stating that I would be receiving the form in about a week. Huh? Also, they spent $1M sponsoring a NASCAR car. They also spent $2.5M for a Super Bowl ad that I missed while I was in the bathroom.

Maybe the US Govt should take a page out of UPS's playbook by conducting a virtual Census?


Für Meno :)
Klien you should read the questions this thing asks.
The hispanics have one whole question devoted to themselves.
For your race you can choice negro, white, american indian, asian, pacific islanders, or other. My passport says I'm an american; not a negro american, nor white american, nor hispanic american.

Like I said previosly, those numbers are later used for "equal opportunity Employers". Especialy the government. I'm sure you heard of some stories, that someone wasn't hired, because it wasn't the "color" or race, they were needed, by the company, to maintain the status of being an "equal opportunity Employer". Atleast rumous has it, anyways.

Questions about your water, may gave the feds an idea, on how much infrastucture money is needed.

And like Upstate mentioned. Who knows where the kids live ? With both parents, or in a different district, with just 1 of them ? Or perhaps even with grand parents or other relatives, which in most cases would be a different school district.

The way I see it, the better government service you want, the best it is, not only return the census, but also do it honestly. Maybe, I'm wrong, but I believe it's for your own good.


Staff member
I have not received my census form yet, so maybe they are already planning a "special visit". A long time ago I started answering questions about my race with "human", which pretty much covers it.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I have not received my census form yet, so maybe they are already planning a "special visit". A long time ago I started answering questions about my race with "human", which pretty much covers it.
Hey thats a good one. Why didnt you tell me sooner!


Well-Known Member
For all my recently turned paraniod anti-Gov't friends from Jan 20th, 2009.....don't fret, the answers you give on the census forms can not be obtained by law enforcement or tax collection agencies. Your answers can not be used in court or obtained thru the FOIA. However, cencus data becomes public after 72 years for family history and other types of historical research....Oh my, scary...:2scared:
You must fear ! Fear -fear-fear...:hypnosis:....stay tuned for the next episode of Fox News...America is doomed !


Thats a great move , NOT !!

That will give the government more reasons to hand out more money for miniorty churches, and programs.
Besides, companies, cities, and states, will need to hire a higher percentage of minorities (based on percentage of population).

Do as you will, it's your country.

It is a sad fact about Klein:

Red Rose Tea

Chihuahuas Rule!
I got the census form, filled it out and mailed it. Didnt see any questions about running water or how much is your mortgage/home equity...
I wouldnt worry, everyone knows you are natural born citizen


Well-Known Member
For all my recently turned paraniod anti-Gov't friends from Jan 20th, 2009.....don't fret, the answers you give on the census forms can not be obtained by law enforcement or tax collection agencies. Your answers can not be used in court or obtained thru the FOIA. However, cencus data becomes public after 72 years for family history and other types of historical research....Oh my, scary...:2scared:
You must fear ! Fear -fear-fear...:hypnosis:....stay tuned for the next episode of Fox News...America is doomed !
Diesel, since your're worry free. This Independant would like to know if you can post your Census responses for all BC members to read. Nothing to be scared or worry about, right?

Besides, 72 years from now. The ones who came fron our loins will not give a darn about us. They'll still need to make the mortgage payment........


Actually, there are some benefits to filling out the census, one of them is potentially free housing. Just ask the Japanese Americans that filled out the census in 1940, many of them got free housing ,in 1942, in communities with others just like them.


Strength through joy
Actually, there are some benefits to filling out the census, one of them is potentially free housing. Just ask the Japanese Americans that filled out the census in 1940, many of them got free housing ,in 1942, in communities with others just like them.

and soon you too could be in a nice relocation settlement, thanks bho.


Well-Known Member
Took me all of under a minute to fill out! The questions were simple and non-intrusive. Still trying to figure out what the bruhaha is all about. Anyone care to enlighten me?


Staff member
Took me all of under a minute to fill out! The questions were simple and non-intrusive. Still trying to figure out what the bruhaha is all about. Anyone care to enlighten me?

There are two versions of the census form. One is very intrusive.

I would like to know why some people get the intrusive one.


Well-Known Member
There are two forms you can receive. The Census Form (short) and The American Community Survey Form (long). According to Wikipedia, The ACS is replacing the traditional long Census form, though most of the questions are the same. It even asks what time you leave for work everyday. The ACS is being sent to 3 million people.


Well-Known Member
I heard that if the government has to visit your house it costs them (us) $57. Please don't waste any more money and send it in.


Well-Known Member
For all my recently turned paraniod anti-Gov't friends from Jan 20th, 2009

Wonder what happened that day verses any other in the case of gov't in general? Funny how that works eh! :wink2:

I'm reminded on a humorous note the scene in Blazing Saddles where the townsfolk are loaded up to leave Rockridge and no matter what point made, seemed unmoved from their intended purpose. But then Bart uttered the name of the immortal "Randolph Scott" with angelic voices from heaven and all things changed. Let a repub. be in office in 2020' and the red state compliance will shoot through the roof again as someone will just utter, "you'd do it for Ronnie Reagan" hear those angelic voices again?

Don't worry blue staters, those red staters will fill out the form and pick the master's cotton because they've been to conditioned to do otherwise.

Speaking of paranoia e.g. conspiracies, just read a 2 part commentary on conspiracies that I found very good and interesting all at the same time.

Conspiracy And Paranoid Center

Part 1

Part 2


Well-Known Member
I have never recieved a census form before and never had a visit from anyone asking about it. If the government werent so full of lies and more trustworthy and good intending they might find people more willing to do a project like this in w/ out any hassle. Its kinda like UPS in a way.


Well-Known Member
I received a postcard from the census stating that I should have received the form a few days and it is my duty to complete and fill in and ....

How much money are they going to waste on this thing? I got a letter a week or so before I got the census, then I received the census itself, and now this follow-up postcard.


I received a postcard from the census stating that I should have received the form a few days and it is my duty to complete and fill in and ....

How much money are they going to waste on this thing? I got a letter a week or so before I got the census, then I received the census itself, and now this follow-up postcard.

Maybe this is a backdoor way to subsidize the postal system. Who knows?