And the fact that determining the 9.5 or 11 hour day will never be accurate since time studies are never done on the car only by sattellite. Theres always someone upstairs tweeking or in all honesty tampering with the time to make you have more to plan up. I know i lost an hour several years ago and the excuse was certain areas have different time allowances but on the same route.
Well, it's my thinking that Orion is their attempt to make accurate time of routes dispatched.
Not to forget, as well said as you put it,
They may install Orion, but like everything that they do,
Their "tweeking" and tampering ( I'll call it : 'Manipulating' ) workloads directly affects what the Orion ride is trying to establish for them.
What's to stop them from turning up the expected results after demonstrating Orion???
The Orion guy is already pissed off that the Pre-Load Pal guy has already manipulated the expected 'route Orion work'.
9.5 hours MAX, per route-per day.
Hoffa & Hall need to implement this wording into our next contract in the Master Agreement across all states.