2018 YES vote : Why does the IBT BACK THIS ?


Well-Known Member
Our cover drivers make over $30, so ya, you're wrong to say ours make $18. Sorry you guys make 3 bucks less.

It's besides the point anyways. 25% of the drivers making 6 dollars less is not the same as using cover drivers.

It's a concession.
Your “cover drivers” started at $18 in progression


Inordinately Right
I really didnt read the contract i voted yes on , but the rumors are the hybrids are up to full pay in 4 years anyway? Same system as now like iguanabrown said.
That is not correct, their top rate is $6 less. And instead of having a few lower paid cover drivers 25% will be paid less.


Well-Known Member
Wrong again.
85% of top rate from day one.
Ok so in your area YOU ALREADY HAVE TWO DRIVERS!!!! What is your agreement? Your guys don’t get full time pension! It’s an upgrade! So basically you want to keep your cover driver that makes the same as a 22.4 but with no full time pension. Dumb!
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Starting wage is a waste of time.
Our guys make $27 dollars an hour in full time progression while yours makes $18.. you don’t even know how it works. SMH
And you complain that a our few qualified part timers will work full time on feeders and make $37 an hour?
“$27 an hour would never fly on the east coast!”


Inordinately Right
That is not what your voting for you voting no keeps a lower paid two tier driver. Bravo!
A yes vote also keeps a lower paid two tier driver.... And creates another class of lower paid driver that will be 25 percent of the workforce.

You're pretending like it's creating jobs. All it is doing is converting jobs that would have been top rate to a lower rate.


Well-Known Member
A yes vote also keeps a lower paid two tier driver.... And creates another class of lower paid driver that will be 25 percent of the workforce.

You're pretending like it's creating jobs. All it is doing is converting jobs that would have been top rate to a lower rate.
You act like they won’t ever go full time and thats ridiculous! The Union would not turn down that dues kind of dues money!


Well-Known Member
They would go to RPCD quicker without 22.4.
25% will be paid lower if you get your way.
OMG! If they hired 25% more 22.4 drivers you would have to hire more full time drivers because RPCD’s would bid on those routes that are in 3 out of 5 days for 30 days. Like I told you they will only hire as many 22.4 as they need on Saturday. The problem with this conversation is you have to actually read the contract to know how it works.


Well-Known Member
And you complain that a our few qualified part timers will work full time on feeders and make $37 an hour?
“$27 an hour would never fly on the east coast!”
My point has always been that you talk crap on two tier drivers but that is just what your part time feeder guys are. We put our cover drivers in so they could not hire so many casuals just like you. Also we are red circled at $27 instead of $18 until their progression goes to the full time rate so that is the starting rate of progression
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Well-Known Member
I agree, they will only hire as many drivers as they need. 22.4 will not create jobs, only convert jobs that would have been top rate to $6 dollars an hour less.

Glad we are in agreement that this is a sellout.
You already have drivers doing it for $6 dollars less. How come you NEVER complained before this contract? Seriously how long have you had them in your contract? Wake up and get them a full time pension.

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
My point has always been that you talk crap on two tier drivers but that is just what your part time feeder guys are. We put our cover drivers in so they could not hire so many casuals just like you. Also we are red circled at $27 instead of $18 until their progression goes to the full time rate so that is the starting rate of progression
2 tier? Our part timers that transfer into full time feeder cover aren’t 2 tier. They go through progression like every single driver and make $10 more an hour than west coast covers. All east coast covers go to top rate.