2020 candidates

El Correcto

god is dead

Nevada woman alleges Joe Biden kissed and touched her without her consent - CNNPolitics

It’s amazing they are just now figuring out Biden is a rapey old man.


Well-Known Member
But that's just Joe.

He can do anything and get away with it.
And not for nothing this came out. He's the leading Democrat for president right now, and you can get the campaign for one of his competitors, or someone's supporter with deep pockets, is behind this.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
It's all about the "culture" of old white men groping.

I guess now he can fade away b4 he makes a huge mistake and finally decides to run. smh


Inordinately Right
Like you care about Melania's feelings.
How about you?
Do you care that he was raw dogging a dirty washed up porn actress while his wife was at home with a newborn?

Don't bother answering. You hate America so much you moved to a third world country so your opinion doesn't matter.