Well-Known Member
FAVERFAN, every Local implimented the Article 22.3 language differently. Some followed the contract's intent, others didn't. Your local apparently reserved the 22.3 jobs for part-timers as the contract and original negotiators intended. Believe me, it's not like that everywhere.
Also, normally one would assume that higher-seniority part-timers would be the successful bidders on the 22.3 jobs. You seem to say that low seniority part-timers got the jobs in your hub. that seems very odd, no matter how your local implimented the 22.3 proceedures. Although maybe, since you are a hub, part-timers get lots of double shifts and single-shift overtime. Maybe the high-seniority part-timers didn't bid on the 22.3 jobs.
In my building, the 22.3 jobs originally went to part-timers, but almost half the jobs were taken by full-time drivers a couple of years later.
Back in 2000 when the first wave of 22.3 jobs were posted, I heard second hand that in nearby Local 25, (which has four UPS buildings, including the Chelmsford Ma. Hub,) that the 22.3 jobs were originally bid on by part-timers, but then they all removed their names when they were told that the jobs would be going to full-timer drivers. Can anyone from Local 25 confirm or expand on this?
I can get you the info on Chelmsford. I never heard of such a thing, but it's not impossible. My bid this spring was Chema.
One real downfall was that at the first building I was working at (local 25) 3-7 years ago, NONE of the Chema jobs were being posted there; so initially IMO I think those first waves of 22.3 jobs were a bit under wraps so to speak, at least in certain centers.
Myself and more than a few seniority part-timers then were not happy about missing brand spanking new 22.3 jobs that we had a right to bid on that weren't posted and subsequently bid by newer hires. This was 03-05