lolllllllll I don't think so but hey, you would know better than me. There's a reason I'm typically one of the last 5 people on the clock at my center, and it's not because I'm jogging off stops or speeding.
My package selection time is dope and when you couple that with neighborhoods of townhouses where the front door is never more than 15ft from the road I find that I can consistently come in under. Story changes if I don't sort my truck throughout the day and have to search a pile of junk at every stop, though.
[ETA: Just want to say that the running comments actually bug me a little bit (and that may show in the tone of my post, my apologies for that.) When I started I developed a lot of bad habits that I've been doing my damndest to break. I was a breakskipper at best, never a runner... but either way, after my last bout with heat exhaustion that sent me to the emergency room I've been extremely cognizant of how hard I'm pushing myself and setting a pace that will last me well into middle age. I know you were probably just

in' around with me but hey, this sort of stuck with me after I posted and I wanted to address it.]