28 yr female driver terminated



Dammor, thats the way I see it. the ones required to sign are the least able. If its for a person who bounds to the door for their jewelry or electronics thats one thing. But if it is elderly, or handicapped, take their life saving drugs away since they are unable with their knarled hands to sign, especially when we are worried about taking longer than our allowance allows to get someone from next door who can. Ill do it my way, I wont sign for a person who isnt home but if someone finally answers the door and you have waited since you know they are handicapped, which some drivers wont know or wont wait. Then you have already lost your allowance, but you have provided a service. Forging is done in their absence, not in helping them secure a delivery. Printing their name, and "cant sign" or your initials afterward is not forging. And we may be the only person they see all week. And what an impression we would leave, "sorry, sucks to be you, if you cant sign Im leaving" Get fired for that I doubt it, lose time, yes. Not everyone adheres to our clock, but need our service. I doubt that makes me run faster, but I can sleep at night.



I agree. Stay as you are and sleeping will never be a problem. I intend to do the same.


If you sign for some greasy hands mechanic that OK's it and he claims he never recieved the pkg he might just get his pkgs RTS'd from then on.


Great minds think alike


I rememeber in my rookie years as a pkg-car driver, before I went into feeders, I used to, on rare occasions, sign for business stops as a convience for my customers, but never for residential stops. I stopped doing those (helping the customers signings) when someone in my center lost their job by signing for a jewerly store pkg. Remember you pkg-car drivers, we leave a paper trail that last at least 6 to 7 yrs after delivery. For those who can sleep at night and keep doing the some signings on a daily basis, here is some words of advise: Dont do it! Its not worth it!


I not only sleep at night, I usually get in a couple of hours during the day.

I'm sooo lucky to be me!



Something I have used for years and has worked both for business stops and home deliveries is a signed delivery notice. I use SOF(signature on file) in the sign mode, or delivery notice either one. HAve never had a problem with either of them in many years of using them.

I used to have the largest collection of signed delivery notices in the state, over 8900 of them back when we had to have signatures for all deliveries.

But one thing I have never done is sign someone elses name. Use your imagination and brain. There are ways around anything. Many of these stops that need signatures are regulars. Solve the problem once and it ceases to be a problem.



Signed Delivery Notices are not acceptable for Adult sig only. I have heard of sig on file but we do not have that capability at our center, and those would only be for business and still not acceptable for sig required. I was told by management to do it the way I do, and many others do it the same way, and no one has had a problem. No one releases them by forging a sig, that I know of.


She deserves her job back, most of us have done worse then this, if the union is worth it's salt, which I doubt, she should be back with a couple days suspension. I've been delivering for 30 years and I'd hate to lose my job over one mistake.


"I've been delivering for 30 years and I'd hate to lose my job over one mistake."

So true. Its a damn shame that our company will fire you for that one mistake.


I'm not with UPS, but, there is a difference between a "mistake", and a purposeful breaking of rules. Having said that, I would have to say that the punishment seems to be overboard....unless there are other facts not brought forward.


Forging signatures is an integrity issue....and there is no gray area there at UPS.

All of the different ways to get signatures are interesting, and honest. The punishment fit the crime.


My manager has instructed me on several occasions to sign a customer's name upon delivery of non DR packages. These are exception air pkgs if that makes a difference. I have also been instructed to go through vehicles glove boxes looking for registration information if I'm not sure about an address or a name.

I don't think I am being set up to get me in trouble as there are several witnesses. Where do I look to find out whether I'm breaking rules?



I have also been instructed to go through vehicles glove boxes looking for registration information if I'm not sure about an address or a name.
Are you for real????? If I caught anybody going through my personal car I would open a can of whoopass on them. This board is getting stupider day by day.


Are you for real?????

of course I'm for real, just look at my picture...doesn't that prove it?

Like I said, I've got witnesses. Where is this rule book that has been mentioned? Does such a book even exist?


and btw...why does the title of this thread specify female? Doesn't that sexist label offend anybody but me?

Maybe I'm just too sensitive?

(Message edited by mr_roboto on December 13, 2003)


Usually I can get a neighbor to sign if the recipient isn't home but some pkgs don't allow even that anymore.I'm not about to judge the "terminated" driver in question based on sheer lack of information.None of us were there so who can really be sure what the circumstances truly were?There are always two sides to a story and I hope that this employee at least was given a chance to tell hers.I once had a customer deny that he signed for a package when he found out he could buy the item cheaper someplace else and the burden of proof can many times be placed on the accused.

I also have noticed a trend that when a driver is fired that the driver's past history in how he/she relates to the management team and other employees often serves as a determining factor as much as the alleged infraction itself.If a driver is a team player with other workers and will occasionally help out that driver will usually get the benefit of the doubt.If he/she is filing grievances over a sup moving a package out harm's way on the grounds of doing hourly work,then that employee is pretty much inviting extra scrutiny on him/herself.I can't count how many times I've seen someone cursing out a sup for something nobody else cares about and then they can't figure out the next day why the sup wrote them up for not doing the propper vehicle pre-trip.

Integrity can be an issue for BOTH sides,but it hardly is ever the ONLY issue in an employee's termination.Rarely is the the situation that simple.


I guess my questions here are just too tough. I never get answers, only votes and sometimes insults.


btw...how many posts do I need to become a senior member?



You are too sensitive.

And if I ever caught you going through my glovebox you would be looking at breaking and entering, invasion of privacy, and any thing else I could think of. You manager must be a bit nuts, or you were not listening. Hell, why dont you just let yourself in the house, fix something to eat or drink and watch some soaps while on lunch while you are at it.

Hehehe, that brings to mind ole Kevin. Lady on his route claims to have come home to find him on her exercise bike in the living room. Like the 320 pounder would try and ride it

It was the talk of the center for weeks, and he did get suspended for a while, but never really heard the real story I think.



Mr Ro,

Here's an answer, I believe it takes 200 posts to become a senior member.

I don't think you are too sensitive, but perhaps a bit too "politically correct"

That's something I've NEVER been accused of



I wonder where the center manager is that tells someone to search a glove compartment, he must be in LP. He probaly wants to get you fired for Breaking and entering. I wont ask for a drivers license either if the person is at the address. If he finds me on the route and I dont know him, maybe, it depends on the neighborhood.