If these voting trends continue(less people voting) it may not make a difference if you do vote. The trend is everyone for themselves, and most part timers don't vote. They are the ones who need to vote as they will have to live with the outcome. I'm not sure how you will be voting for retirees healthcare as these are not separate items to vote for. Remember, if you vote no on future benefits you are voting no on your future benefits...make sense? The objective should be to get the membership to vote close to 70% instead of 33%. This will only happen with an active membership that goes to meetings and stays United. The vote although low percentage wise was actually very close on the national master. If it was reversed the negotiating teams would have had to listen to the membership on what they wanted, to some degree. I don't feel guilty voting however I vote and yes I should be looking out for me and my family, as should everyone else who votes.