This also helps.Maybe his browser has cached a corrupted file that makes the software think he's not logged in? He should log out, clear his browser cache and then log back in.
This also helps.Maybe his browser has cached a corrupted file that makes the software think he's not logged in? He should log out, clear his browser cache and then log back in.
Takes a few more than three licks....IDGAF what the owl Pop flavor? Because after all the question is how many licks it takes....
Curious why you yourself edited your own status and custom user title to say that you had been banned. You weren't banned... I never got a message from you asking for help with posting or site problems.Maybe I'm wrong but I pm'ed her and Hoak and they never got back to me. I actually asked her for help with a member who wouldn't quit. I've lost my faith in this site. Especially in those that I've confided in. In hurts.
Probably won't be for long pretty lady.
So how did you get on, what was the problem? Was it like mine, your pc? I dont wish for anyone to go away, most everyone contributes. Is there a full moon?Maybe I'm wrong but I pm'ed her and Hoak and they never got back to me. I actually asked her for help with a member who wouldn't quit. I've lost my faith in this site. Especially in those that I've confided in. In hurts.
Sometimes you have to look in the mirror and say, Maybe IT IS just me.
That is not in some people's makeup.
Most UPS District Managers for instance.
It's alive!!!Maybe I'm wrong and if you could prove it to me I'd admit it but the hoops I jumped through today to get on this site seemed very odd. How about I pm you again Cheryl??
If you are talking about 407, he uses an iPhone with Siri and uses the app too I believe.Maybe his browser has cached a corrupted file that makes the software think he's not logged in? He should log out, clear his browser cache and then log back in.
Sorry, the only message I have recently received from you was on Friday about a mod that you dislike. The thing that seems kinda weird to me is that you tried to change your own status and custom user title to banned.I never left I just couldn't post and sometimes it took like three minutes to log in. Then I couldn't get my messages. Kinda weird. Plus all the messages to Cheryl that went unanswered. I'm no conspiracy theorist but something stinks. I'm a big ass shill for this site but I think somehow I was the point being made. I aged by the TOS. If this thread popped up 14 hours ago one of you could have messaged me not including Cheryl or Hoak. This message was for Tooner
Let me play devils advocate for a moment - hehe
With all these different types of ignore, whether it be involuntary or forced, could 407 accidentally have been put on all the mod's list?