710, 705?

first lady hh 3

Smalls n everything else!
I was talking with my BA a few days ago and he told me that I will not be getting any sort of retro check due to the fact that I am still in progression. I thought I would be entitled to reimbursement based on the fact that when I started in September of 2013, I was working under the old contract rates. I started at $8.50 for 90 (or 60, can't recall) days, then I made $9.50 for several months until I took the sort test and received skill pay bring me to $10.50. At my 1 year anniversary, I was bumped up to $11.00. Since the contract was backdated to August 2013, I should have started at the $10.00 wage and then received my skill pay and my 1 year anniversary pay bringing me to $11.50. So according to my BA, I am basically screwed. I am subject to the new progression (lower) raises, etc. but I was paid according to the old rates, which is less than what I should have been paid, for over a year. I will receive a bump to $11.50 now but will not be compensated for the previous hours I put in where I was paid below contract rates. Has anyone heard this?
Skill pay at UPS...@ UPS, unless you've got knee pads n a broad smile...
Ain't happening.

first lady hh 3

Smalls n everything else!
Were you entitled to $1200 retro pay? If not correcting the amount is proper, just as it is when one is shorted.
Didn't think any "seasonal" worker got retro.
Duh...this is where the 'rubber meets the road' n the 'beeotch hits the campaign trail'.


Lunch is the best part of the day
Were you entitled to $1200 retro pay? If not correcting the amount is proper, just as it is when one is shorted.
Didn't think any "seasonal" worker got retro.
There are many senority employees that elect to work a seasonal job during the free period.