Im not the Mail Man!
Miles have not actually been reduced, you guys are cooking the books to make it look that way.
The purpose of ORION is not to reduce miles.
Its purpose is to pump up the stock value by fooling gullible investors into thinking that miles are being reduced as part of some high-tech “transformation.”
Only an idiot...or someone with no experience or comprehension about what actually happens in a package car...would believe that a map theory algorithm is capable of outperforming an experienced driver with area knowledge at deciding the proper order to deliver a route under real world conditions.
I actually think that ORION was successful in one thing.....making drivers far more cognizant of miles. Which in itself did result in less miles but consequently resulted in far higher paid days from all the extra package selection time, walking across street time, going to the same address multiple times a day to deliver air then ground, and over all mental fatigue from trying to make sense of ORION.
I once asked my Division Manager what was the threshold that UPS would finally see any savings in mileage was dwarfed by higher costs in labor. He just looked at me with the same disbelief we had when they took EDD from us.