8-hours denied


Well-Known Member
Should have been or have already been approved? Huge difference.

If they have stated that they will not honor them then they have no obligation to pay them if they are submitted after the fact.

I would think that those submitted before this arbitrary decision should either be honored or paid.
No, they do not get to disregard the contract consequence free.

They can deny them and pay the grievances
Have around 80 drivers. They disapproved everyone last week and disapproved everyone this coming week. Some days it was 3 request some days 8 request. But they circled disapproved on everyone of them with no reason. All were up on time. So basically they will have to pay for everyone of them if grievance is filed by each person ? I assume staffing is not a reason they can use to not pay them ?

Rack em

Made the Podium
Have around 80 drivers. They disapproved everyone last week and disapproved everyone this coming week. Some days it was 3 request some days 8 request. But they circled disapproved on everyone of them with no reason. All were up on time. So basically they will have to pay for everyone of them if grievance is filed by each person ? I assume staffing is not a reason they can use to not pay them ?
Yes everyone who requested them and got denied should file a grievance and they will get paid. Then they need to keep resubmitting the 8 hour requests because they will keep getting penalty pay when they get denied. A driver can get a ton of penalty pay per month if management is stupid enough to go down this road.


Well-Known Member
Yes everyone who requested them and got denied should file a grievance and they will get paid. Then they need to keep resubmitting the 8 hour requests because they will keep getting penalty pay when they get denied. A driver can get a ton of penalty pay per month if management is stupid enough to go down this road.
Kinda wish I would get denied 8hr day request due to their negligence. Especially during pandemic. Easy grievance $.


Not only do you get 2 hrs penalty pay but you also get the 8hr request back to use either that month or the following month. Currently for the last 3 months they approve my 8hr requests then just load me up and say I cant have them. Have 7 hr request this month should have 9 next month get 2 hrs pay for everyone I dont get and they just keep rolling over to the next month. Free cash... The best part is eventually its gonna catch up to them and then I will have weeks of 8hr days.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
We get approved for them but never really get them. At this point I just put in for them just for the grievance money anymore. Free beer money every month......winner
With the central having clear decisions on the books to bring back stops and get their 8 hour request. I wonder what other areas would need to do to get this also.


Old fart Package Car Driver
I put in for 2 every month no matter. If I get them, Great. If I don't, I get 4 hours of pay for free.

One question: If they deny all of them all the time, what can happen to the company besides a ULP?


Well-Known Member
Nothing, especially if they announced well in advance that they would not be honoring any 8 hour requests as of a specific date and that any requests submitted on or after that date would be discarded.

They would have had to have coordinated this with the union prior to posting this announcement.

Think about it------you guys are in Peak mode-----how fair would it be to your loop mates if they had to not only deliver their Peak volume but also had to deliver a portion of yours because you just didn't feel like working beyond 8 hours that day?

What's next-----taking FMLA during Peak to play Daddy for an 11 month old "newborn"?


Old fart Package Car Driver
If your FMLA allowed for that time, it can't be denied but I understand the sentiment. I'm not one to take additional time.

I saw an email that said that the labor dept was telling agents that 9.5 was negotiated out during the covid situation and the national telling agents it isn't true.

Ignoring a contract article is an issue either way.


Well-Known Member
If your FMLA allowed for that time, it can't be denied but I understand the sentiment. I'm not one to take additional time.

I saw an email that said that the labor dept was telling agents that 9.5 was negotiated out during the covid situation and the national telling agents it isn't true.

Ignoring a contract article is an issue either way.
File either way. Browns propaganda machine likes to psyche out and discourage drivers from exerting their rights. Your going to be out late anyway right? You might as well get your (Hero, Christmas, Summer, Beer) money. Use the 9.5 grievance money to open a brokerage account and buy cheap stocks. Let Brown finance you.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I put in for 2 every month no matter. If I get them, Great. If I don't, I get 4 hours of pay for free.

One question: If they deny all of them all the time, what can happen to the company besides a ULP?
Possibly end up with more rulings like the central. Where you’re allowed to bring back any excess volume for an 8 hour request.


Well-Known Member
Should have been or have already been approved? Huge difference.

If they have stated that they will not honor them then they have no obligation to pay them if they are submitted after the fact.

I would think that those submitted before this arbitrary decision should either be honored or paid.




Well-Known Member
Nothing, especially if they announced well in advance that they would not be honoring any 8 hour requests as of a specific date and that any requests submitted on or after that date would be discarded.

They would have had to have coordinated this with the union prior to posting this announcement.

Think about it------you guys are in Peak mode-----how fair would it be to your loop mates if they had to not only deliver their Peak volume but also had to deliver a portion of yours because you just didn't feel like working beyond 8 hours that day?

What's next-----taking FMLA during Peak to play Daddy for an 11 month old "newborn"?
