85 Year Old Justice Ginsburg Falls!


Well-Known Member
"...if Trump fills the Ginsburg seat—the next question will be how the Democrats respond. If the Democrats fail to retake the majority in the Senate in November, their options are few except to grin and bear it. But, if they win the majority and Joe Biden wins the Presidency, there are four major possibilities for retribution—which all happen to be good policy as well. The first is the abolition of the filibuster, which should have happened decades ago. Even in the minority, McConnell will do everything he can to thwart Biden, and the filibuster will be the tool. This antidemocratic relic should be retired once and for all. Second, statehood for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, with two senators apiece, would be another appropriate rejoinder. Third, Congress should pass a law expanding the number of lower-court federal judges; that number has not increased since Jimmy Carter was President. Finally, the greatest and most appropriate form of retribution involves the Supreme Court itself. The number of Justices is not fixed in the Constitution but, rather, established by statute. If Republicans succeed in stealing two seats—the Scalia and Ginsburg vacancies—the Democrats could simply pass a law that creates two or three more seats on the Supreme Court. To do so would be to play hardball in a way that is foreign to the current Senate Democrats. But maybe, in light of all that’s happened, that’s a game they should learn to play. "

Jeffrey Toobin


Inordinately Right
To do so would be to play hardball in a way that is foreign to the current Senate Democrats. But maybe, in light of all that’s happened, that’s a game they should learn to play. "

Jeffrey Toobin
That guy is an idiot if he believes that. All Democrats do is use cheap tactics like he just described, it's their entire political strategy and has been for decades.

It's Republicans who need to learn to play hardball with the democrats' tactics. And they need to start by filling the open scotus seat.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Waiting for the despicable character assassination that will take place by the Democrats and their sycophants in the fake news media . How low will they go to try and crucify a women nominee with conservative values ? Maybe they will bring Michael Avenatti back to scrape up so low life liars to testify.


nowhere special
Waiting for the despicable character assassination that will take place by the Democrats and their sycophants in the fake news media . How low will they go to try and crucify a women nominee with conservative values ? Maybe they will bring Michael Avenatti back to scrape up so low life liars to testify.

Newsweek already put out a hit piece (which they quietly retracted)


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Coming soon:


PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
It be interesting to see how they attack . 1st a women ,Catholic (Biden and Pelosi profess to be Catholics) and a soccer mom with 2 adopted black children and a special child.And then there is the judge of Cuban -Latin ancestry .

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It be interesting to see how they attack . 1st a women ,Catholic (Biden and Pelosi profess to be Catholics) and a soccer mom with 2 adopted black children and a special child.And then there is the judge of Cuban -Latin ancestry .
The nominee doesn’t matter. Republicans said they’d like someone like Garland before Obama nominated him. The attacks will be about how Republicans hate democracy and want to state mandate childbirth while taking health insurance away from the middle class during a pandemic.


Well-Known Member
The nominee doesn’t matter. Republicans said they’d like someone like Garland before Obama nominated him. The attacks will be about how Republicans hate democracy and want to state mandate childbirth while taking health insurance away from the middle class during a pandemic.

you ever get tired of presenting a worn out argument that no one listens to. Clearly the republicans would have voted for him if he was someone they were looking for.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
you ever get tired of presenting a worn out argument that no one listens to. Clearly the republicans would have voted for him if he was someone they were looking for.
“The president told me several times he’s going to name a moderate [to fill the court vacancy], but I don’t believe him. [Obama] could easily name Merrick Garland, who is a fine man. He probably won’t do that because this appointment is about the election. So I’m pretty sure he’ll name someone the [liberal Democratic base] wants.”
Orrin Hatch


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
"...if Trump fills the Ginsburg seat—the next question will be how the Democrats respond. If the Democrats fail to retake the majority in the Senate in November, their options are few except to grin and bear it. But, if they win the majority and Joe Biden wins the Presidency, there are four major possibilities for retribution—which all happen to be good policy as well. The first is the abolition of the filibuster, which should have happened decades ago. Even in the minority, McConnell will do everything he can to thwart Biden, and the filibuster will be the tool. This antidemocratic relic should be retired once and for all. Second, statehood for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, with two senators apiece, would be another appropriate rejoinder. Third, Congress should pass a law expanding the number of lower-court federal judges; that number has not increased since Jimmy Carter was President. Finally, the greatest and most appropriate form of retribution involves the Supreme Court itself. The number of Justices is not fixed in the Constitution but, rather, established by statute. If Republicans succeed in stealing two seats—the Scalia and Ginsburg vacancies—the Democrats could simply pass a law that creates two or three more seats on the Supreme Court. To do so would be to play hardball in a way that is foreign to the current Senate Democrats. But maybe, in light of all that’s happened, that’s a game they should learn to play. "

Jeffrey Toobin
Who cares how the Dims respond? Does the light ever go on for you that you are supporting anti constitution radicals? Get statehood for PR and DC, so you can get what you want. I see Texas, Florida and even California dividing up . How many states can we make? More fun when two plays.
Oh, let’s stack the court ..Our way is the only way. And if we do that we will have our way all the time.... sounds Commy to me. You?
Hardball? Whenever I talk to a lib, I have to hold back laughing in their face. It’s like talking to a little girl who is just about ready to swing a bat on a Tball field. Hardball... LOL


Well-Known Member
Who cares how the Dims respond? Does the light ever go on for you that you are supporting anti constitution radicals? Get statehood for PR and DC, so you can get what you want. I see Texas, Florida and even California dividing up . How many states can we make? More fun when two plays.
Oh, let’s stack the court ..Our way is the only way. And if we do that we will have our way all the time.... sounds Commy to me. You?
Hardball? Whenever I talk to a lib, I have to hold back laughing in their face. It’s like talking to a little girl who is just about ready to swing a bat on a Tball field. Hardball... LOL
And Texas can do it without Congressional approval.


Well-Known Member
“The president told me several times he’s going to name a moderate [to fill the court vacancy], but I don’t believe him. [Obama] could easily name Merrick Garland, who is a fine man. He probably won’t do that because this appointment is about the election. So I’m pretty sure he’ll name someone the [liberal Democratic base] wants.”
Orrin Hatch

one republican does not a consensus make. Republicans are a tiny bit more independent in thought then the dems who always march in lock step. Libs love quoting the occasional repub that says something a little differently and proclaiming it a republican mandate.

The big package

Well-Known Member
I'm just sitting here watching the event at Capitol Hill with Justice Ginsburgs casket and greasy Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are there . Every time I see them I want to punch them in the face , they're not there because they care they're there because they have a political agenda and it makes them look good because that's the kind of people they are . If they spent as much time in their districts taking care of their own people as they do in Washington maybe their states would look better than they do!!!!