9/12/2011 Call for end of Harassment


Well-Known Member
I find it very hard to believe that what you claim to be a fact is indeed a fact. If the people on the Hoffa slate are such good friends of Sandy and trust her more than they trust Hoffa then why are they running on the Hoffa Slate? It would seem logical that if they feel the way you claim they do that they would rally behind Sandy and run on the Pope slate. But, since they are running with Hoffa I would have to say that even Sandy Popes close friends indorse Hoffa for Teamster President.

I feel Eyes is right but there best shot to win is with Hoffa , plus Sandy is with TDU and even thou they are friends with her they won't go that far LOL plus everyone of them will say if Hoffa losses they hope she wins.....cause then there in... LOL


Well-Known Member
Krash.... i have spoken to Sandy about her decision to run solo..she stated that she could and would be ok with the GEB , when I was in las Vegas i did get the impression that several of the current VP's would actually rather have her at the helm as opposed to hoffa the Hack BC
Yes I agree with the running solo part but could you expound on how you got the impression the VP's want Sandy? I think they're pretty comfortable as is. That's what raises my eyebrows about Gegare. He could have easily sat back and collected checks for five more years, but he's putting his fanny on the line. He's done if/when he loses. That's a big gamble he's taking ...much more than Sandy.

bigblu 2 you

Well-Known Member
sandy may do a fine job if elected but,why wouldnt you want YOUR people around you.it would be easier to accomplish YOUR goals without worry of loyalty or under-minding.this is just my feeling from talking to individuals who have ran at all levels, that is when you fly solo your intent is to take votes from one side.rumor is hoffa asked sandy to run...?just sayin.


Well-Known Member
maybe they want her!!! like i said i listen well and from all i can gather is that these "Hoffa " folks would be HONORED to work for Sandy...did hall work for Ron Carey? YES HE DID...Did he then go to work with Hoffa? YES HE DID...Would he work for Sandy? Ya damn straight he would!!!! BC


Well-Known Member
maybe they want her!!! like i said i listen well and from all i can gather is that these "Hoffa " folks would be HONORED to work for Sandy...did hall work for Ron Carey? YES HE DID...Did he then go to work with Hoffa? YES HE DID...Would he work for Sandy? Ya damn straight he would!!!! BC
I'd love to see TDU's spin on that.


Browncafe Steward
Yes I agree with the running solo part but could you expound on how you got the impression the VP's want Sandy? I think they're pretty comfortable as is. That's what raises my eyebrows about Gegare. He could have easily sat back and collected checks for five more years, but he's putting his fanny on the line. He's done if/when he loses. That's a big gamble he's taking ...much more than Sandy.

If Fred loses he still holds his Union positions in Wisconsin, If Sandy loses she still holds her current position in New York, if Hoffa loses he goes back to his secretary position in Detroit where he got his Teamster experience from. The one out of these 3 that suffers the most would be Hoffa. Imagine going from making over $350,000 a year to secretary earnings again!!

For those of you that forgot, Keegle dropped off of Hoffas ticket and is retiring because he said that Hoffa is not listening to the elected reps but rather listening to outsiders he hired. Fred also split from Hoffa and is raising hell right now about the CS pension buy out, but he never said one word when it was happening,


Well-Known Member
If Fred loses he still holds his Union positions in Wisconsin, If Sandy loses she still holds her current position in New York, if Hoffa loses he goes back to his secretary position in Detroit where he got his Teamster experience from. The one out of these 3 that suffers the most would be Hoffa. Imagine going from making over $350,000 a year to secretary earnings again!!

For those of you that forgot, Keegle dropped off of Hoffas ticket and is retiring because he said that Hoffa is not listening to the elected reps but rather listening to outsiders he hired. Fred also split from Hoffa and is raising hell right now about the CS pension buy out, but he never said one word when it was happening,
Red, my point is Fred loses the VP position, which gives him a pretty good paycheck. Fred's not the PO of his Local anymore, so I'm guessing he retires. He could have gone along for another five year ride, kept quiet and cashed checks. I believe lots of Hoffa guys were whispering in Fred's ear that they'd support his candidacy and got cold feet when the rubber hit the road. Hoffa's 10 years older than Fred so he's ready to retire anyway. Good bet he doesn't serve the whole term if re-elected, paving the way for the Hall/O'Brien or O'Brien/Hall ticket in '16. But you're right Hoffa loses the most if the election goes against him, Sandy loses the least in my eyes.


Browncafe Steward
The members lose the most IMO. If fred would have spoke up in 07 he would have my support. I think sandy's plan will work. She has her core support. Now she can gather votes from the other candidates supporters who are on the hoffa hall ticket who want to vote for their vp but don't want to vote for Hoffa. I've read many of other sites and some vp candidates are campaigning for themselves without mentioning Hoffa. What's that tell you?


Well-Known Member
If Fred loses he still holds his Union positions in Wisconsin, If Sandy loses she still holds her current position in New York, if Hoffa loses he goes back to his secretary position in Detroit where he got his Teamster experience from. The one out of these 3 that suffers the most would be Hoffa. Imagine going from making over $350,000 a year to secretary earnings again!!

For those of you that forgot, Keegle dropped off of Hoffas ticket and is retiring because he said that Hoffa is not listening to the elected reps but rather listening to outsiders he hired. Fred also split from Hoffa and is raising hell right now about the CS pension buy out, but he never said one word when it was happening,

Hoffa would dust off his JD and practice law if he loses.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Don't worry Hoffa made a ton while being pres. He got paid for interviews, speeches(he loves to talk) and other ways. He probably has plenty to retire. He will probably do what Upstate stated.


Browncafe Steward
How about this scenario: Hoffa loses the election, Hoffa goes back to being a labor lawyer for an employer, Hoffa goes to work (officially this time) for UPS, Hoffa sits across the table from Pope/Hall??LOL

That explains why we are taking holds on everything at the national panel. He's investing in his future. Lol


promoted to mediocrity
How about this scenario: Hoffa loses the election, Hoffa goes back to being a labor lawyer for an employer, Hoffa goes to work (officially this time) for UPS, Hoffa sits across the table from Pope/Hall??LOL

I had the exact same thought, except I could also see Hoffa at TMI (the freight companies' labor bargaining agent) or YRCW.