Letter from a "right-wing terrorist" and tea party activist
I was a liberal graduate student in the 1980s. I am now a conservative Navy veteran, small-business owner, wife of an active duty officer who has been to Iraq four times (and will deploy again next year) and a concerned mother of two small children.
As a registered Independent, I am very concerned about where our country is headed. I am now a "right-wing terrorist" and have attended multiple Tea Parties. I host an active political Facebook page ("Pensacola Teaparty"). This is the first time in my 44 years that I have been involved in politics.
On both the domestic and foreign policy fronts, I am scared to death about where our country is going. My husband is the first to raise his hand to volunteer for a mission when duty calls (he's a Navy SEAL and physician), but I am increasingly concerned over the lack of strategy in our current war efforts.
I am sickened to see our Constitution being trampled on day after day. I am disgusted with the corruption and dirty politics being played on both sides of the aisle. I am infuriated that our elected officials arrogantly refuse to listen to We the People, no matter how many genuinely concerned citizens peacefully congregate at town halls or on the streets of Washington, D.C.
So much of the population is ill-served by the mainstream media's "coverage" of events. Like you, I listen to talk radio every single day (I am now a photographer and work from home). This isn't about liberal versus conservative. It's not about Democrat versus Republican. It's about right versus wrong. It's about liberty versus tyranny (thank you, Mark Levin!).
I and scores of other "Mommy Patriots" are genuinely frightened for the future of our children, and we are rallying to save our great nation. Our country needs people who are not afraid to speak the truth!
Cheryl Casey
I have been deeply impressed by the citizen outrage that spilled out into town hall meetings this year. And I remain shocked at the priggish derision of the mainstream media (locked in their urban enclaves) toward those events. This was a moving spectacle of grassroots American democracy in action. Aggrieved voters have a perfect right to shout at their incompetent and irresponsible representatives. American citizens are under no duty whatever to sit in reverent silence to be fed propaganda and half-truths.
It is bizarre that liberals who celebrate the unruly demonstrations of our youth would malign or impugn the motivation of today's protestors with opposing views.
The mainstream media's failure to honestly cover last month's mass demonstration in Washington, D.C. was a disgrace. The focus on anti-Obama placards (which were no worse than the rabid anti-LBJ, anti-Reagan or anti-Bush placards of leftist protests), combined with the grotesque attempt to equate criticism of Obama with racism, simply illustrated why the old guard TV networks and major urban daily newspapers are slowly dying.
Only a simpleton would believe what they say.