9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separate But Equal.


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

There was another amendment to the language. The bid driver of the route is the only one that can be placed on the list. However, once he is on the list all cover drivers that run his route are automatically on the list as well. So if you cover my route for a week and I am on the list and you run over 9.5 3 times you can file.


Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

When the "Yes" voters blindly passed the Contract, they authorized the "9.5 Committee" to modify Article 37 by wriring Guidelines more favorable to UPS.

They also authorized the National Grievance Committee to make Decisions on over-9.5 grievances. Some of these Decisions may be declared "Precedent-setting."

The Guidelines and precedent-setting decisions are, in effect, part of the Contract, just as certain rulings by Judges become part of The Law.



Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

As stated, no bid route, you cannot file unless you are covering a rt that is already a 9.5 Grievance. Management will just move you around if they think you will be on the route for a week. They can move you to a different rt everyday. Good Luck, just wait until you have your very own bid route, until then enjoy the over-time.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

Brothers and Sisters,

You may NOT all know that the 9.5 committee "amended" the 9.5 language over a year ago. It is NOT contained in the national or any other portion of our agreed contract.

Its contained in an MOU. Memorandum of Understanding.

You cannot see this. It was agreed upon without the approval of the membership.

It does suck, but its what was authorized by "us" the membership when we ratified our last contract.

In my opinion, the negotiating committee of the teamsters, sold us out on 9.5 language and effectively ruined it.

Cover drivers and Utility drivers CANNOT file for 9.5 paid day requests no MATTER WHAT YOU THINK.

No matter WHAT anyone tells you, its been agreed to, signed sealed and delivered.

Forget what you read in article 37 of the national master, it no longer applies.

There is a completely new set of rules and they favor the company.

This is something we all need to address with our locals for 2013.

Believe it.



Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

When the "Yes" voters blindly passed the Contract, they authorized the "9.5 Committee" to modify Article 37 by wriring Guidelines more favorable to UPS.

+1... the loophole was/is right there in black and white. The Contract language has no real teeth when the means for extracting the teeth are right there in the Contract and the IBT is complicit in allowing the teeth to be pulled.


Binge Poster
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

where can I get a copy of the contract? Like the op I tried to file an over 9.5 grievance and was told that since im a utility driver and i don't have a route that im not eligible. At the time we were still in the western district and have since been moved to the Southern California district and would really love to have a copy of this contract




Staff member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

When the "Yes" voters blindly passed the Contract, they authorized the "9.5 Committee" to modify Article 37 by wriring Guidelines more favorable to UPS.

They also authorized the National Grievance Committee to make Decisions on over-9.5 grievances. Some of these Decisions may be declared "Precedent-setting."

The Guidelines and precedent-setting decisions are, in effect, part of the Contract, just as certain rulings by Judges become part of The Law.


Sick news indeed. I guess I will put my contract book in the trashcan as it is unreliable.


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

This is interesting.

I'm a cover driver and I just recently put my name on the over-9.5 list.

One of the full-time sups (there are four in my center, since I'm cover, I guess they're they're all my immediate supervisor) sort of giggled at me when he found out I had gotten on the list.

He started talking about having to run scratch on the particular route I was running before I could file a grievance etc. etc. bla bla bla. This guy is a muppet.

My impression (as a cover driver) was that if I started filing grievances based on over-9.5 (now that I'm on the list), that management would simply start moving me around more than they already do, so that I wouldn't have a leg to stand on in terms of filing.

So confusing! Just reading the responses in this thread is like talking to people in my center, everyone's got an idea and no one knows what they're talking about!


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

Article 37, Section 1, paragraph (c), second paragraph refers specifically to full time seniority drivers in relation to signing the 9.5 list. There is no mention of cover or casual drivers in this article.

There is no mention of the 9.5 list in the Upstate NY Supplement.


Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

. . . Cover drivers and Utility drivers CANNOT file for 9.5 paid day requests no MATTER WHAT YOU THINK. . .

Article 37, Section 1, paragraph (c), second paragraph refers specifically to full time seniority drivers in relation to signing the 9.5 list. There is no mention of cover or casual drivers in this article. . .

Here in the Land of the New England Supplement, Cover Drivers (who have made their 30 days) are "full-time seniority drivers."
- - - -
By the way, logically every driver who is eligible should get on the 9.5 List. There is no reason not to. Being on the List preserves your right to file a grievance in the future, but it does not obligate you to file a grievance. So even if you have no intention of filing now, you may change your mind as circumstances change and want to file later. If you never decide to file, no harm done.

And given the crazy way the 9.5 language seems to be interpreted, you will also be keeping alive the rights of anyone who does your route in your absence.


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

My 9.5 grievance didn't go to panel 2 years ago, because labor guy showed the previous rulings on it for cover drivers. Believe me I wasn't happy about it either. But you still have no OT requests.
I kind of understand the company's view that it's harder to dispatch a cover driver porperly since switching the routes, but then again they think it gives the right to put 20 stops more than on the bid driver. The link is already posted for 9.5 ruling.
File on the senority.


Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

This is interesting.

I'm a cover driver and I just recently put my name on the over-9.5 list.

One of the full-time sups (there are four in my center, since I'm cover, I guess they're they're all my immediate supervisor) sort of giggled at me when he found out I had gotten on the list.

He started talking about having to run scratch on the particular route I was running before I could file a grievance etc. etc. bla bla bla. This guy is a muppet.

My impression (as a cover driver) was that if I started filing grievances based on over-9.5 (now that I'm on the list), that management would simply start moving me around more than they already do, so that I wouldn't have a leg to stand on in terms of filing.

So confusing! Just reading the responses in this thread is like talking to people in my center, everyone's got an idea and no one knows what they're talking about!

Check PM


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

I can tell you what the 9.5 panel is supposed to rule on if their job is done properly. Using their own guidelines you can only file as a cover driver if you are on the same route for the week. If you are moved around then you are SOL. People can say all they want but this is the current agreement. Now if your local doesnt stand up for you then that is a different problem; but I can tell you this is how the 9.5 committee is set up.

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

There was another amendment to the language. The bid driver of the route is the only one that can be placed on the list. However, once he is on the list all cover drivers that run his route are automatically on the list as well. So if you cover my route for a week and I am on the list and you run over 9.5 3 times you can file.

As has been explained to me by our steward, you are partially correct. A cover driver would have to BID coverage on a route where the bid driver has already opted to get on "the list". The cover driver would then have to go over 9.5, 3 days out of 5. Then, said cover driver could get on "the list" for that route only and would have grounds to grieve only when he/she BIDS to cover it. Does that make sense? It all comes down to the coverage bidding, and if you're center isnt bidding out coverage, they're doin it wrong. The modifying of the language was slick and underhanded and you should keep that in mind if you donate to D.R.I.V.E.


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

I'm on a different rt. every day my agent says It's a National agreement and He can't do anything. There is so much room for abuse here. Eliminateing RTS, cutting cars. I go out on avg 180 to 200 stops, then I have to go help some one. With lower seniority going home.. If I can't file for O/t then I should be able to file for seniority?? Right...

It is more difficult but it can be done. We have had guys do it and win. The big thing is you have the regular driver's records pulled and prove they are hammering you with excessive stops counts. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

So I have been driving for 10 yrs. My center are all rabbits 'just like me And I cannot file. cause I don't a have a RT. Can I file a lawsuit against my union, or at least get a discount?? What deals are being done on the golf course that we don't know about... Why do I have I have a union. If they don't represent me. Or just segragate us, Bid Drivers, Cover drivers. If Somedody does not clarify this NationWide.This is what happens and has had happened in my center. Eliminate yr rt." OH you can't file 9.5....." your rt only runs 49.9% sorry you can't file. It's national. some back room deal"" It will happen to you. I'm not utilility. I'm full time bouncing around. WORKING A ALOT OF OT.................
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Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

It shouldn't matter what the current 9.5 language, memorandum of understanding (which are posted in our centers), or precedents are in effect.

I you, and your fellow brother and sister Drivers, would organize and act collectively you could solve this problem.

It is my belief that the 9.5 problem will never be solved until the language gives you the right to park the truck at 9.5 hours and that is something the Company will never agree to. So take action, show Management that you are getting organized, mad as hell, and aren't going to take it anymore.


Well-Known Member
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

You are your union dqs95124 . You, and others need to realize that a union is only as strong as it's members make it. If you do nothing except sit back and expect you'll get nothing. Get involved and stand strong together...quit bitchin' and start a revolution
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

Cover drivers in NY can file after 10 hours for 3 days in a week under excessive overtime language.


Binge Poster
Re: 9.5 Can't File. B/C I don't have a RT. Why do I pay Union Dues?? Separte But Equa

You are your union dqs95124 . You, and others need to realize that a union is only as strong as it's members make it. If you do nothing except sit back and expect you'll get nothing. Get involved and stand strong together...quit bitchin' and start a revolution

Attitude of the rank and file is a reflection of the attitude of the Local Union Leadership.

Stong Leadership is what makes strong union membership.

I agree a revolution of strong union leadership is needed. Desperately needed.
